Speckles mentioned in the Buxton Advertiser

Sponsor 'Speckles' and help us rid the world of Polio.

Joint Club President Andrew Matthews with 'Speckles'

The following article appeared in the 20th July Buxton Advertiser:

Rotary Club of Buxton’s entry for the World Hen Racing Championship at the Barley Mow Pub, Bonsall, on Saturday 5 August, is Speckles, a three year old hen owned by Rotarian Andrew Matthews. As Joint Rotary Club President, Andrew is hoping people will sponsor Speckles to raise money for the End Polio Now campaign. Every £1 donated becomes £3 (£3.75 if gift-aided) because the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will add double what Rotary Clubs raise for the world-wide eradication of polio, which is still endemic in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Andrew said, “This cause is very dear to me as my grandfather and two good friends at school were affected by this debilitating disease.”  He added, “Speckles’ training has been going well so far, but it’s difficult to predict what will happen when the starting pistol goes!” Once the pistol fires, the hens have three minutes to get to the finishing line, the one crossing first winning (or is closest at time-out). Races start at noon on a specially prepared course and owners come from far and wide with their hens for an event where foul play is clearly not tolerated and spectators are encouraged to egg on their favourite! Sponsoring information for Speckles is at www.buxtonrotaryishere.co.uk and www.facebook/buxtonrotaryclub."

You can sponsor Speckles via our BT MyDonate link or by contacting any Buxton Rotarian. Alternatively post/drop your sponsorship to Buxton Podiatry Practice, The Savoy, 1A Hall Bank, Buxton SK17 6EW in an Envelope marked "Rotary Club of Buxton (Speckles)"; you can gift aid that donation using our Gift Aid Donation Form (Single Donation) if you wish.

Andrew MatthewsContact Andrew Matthews about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Big Dog Parker's owner, Elizabeth, has loaned him to the Rotary Club of Buxton to help children. Polio is still crippling under-5s so he's fundraising for Rotary's 'End Polio Now' campaign, by visiting Buxton firms, and inviting their staff to help.


100 boxes of Christmas biscuits were shared with local charities. Thanks to Morrisons for their generous discount and community support. For each box we bought, Morrisons donated one to support communities around the area.


Rotary, in collaboration with other local organisations, is helping people to improve their home energy usage. We have received a Rotary District Grant and are supported by the High Peak Borough Council Community Climate and Nature Action Fund.


Now that the vaccination programme has started we are planning activities (Covid-safe) for later this year. We are helping with traffic control at the Buxton Medical vaccination hub.


Photos of some of the Stalls (and Charlie Chaplin meets King Kong)


Primary school children need to be able to work online but many don't have a computer/tablet. With a District Contingency Fund Grant we have donated £1000 to Buxton Infants and Fairfield Infants for computers.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (keep safe )


Some of this year's achievements


Rotary Club of Buxton Buxton Trust Fund - Charity No 1032437


To encourage young people to achieve their potential


Identifying & meeting community needs


To promote International fellowship and service


Using media to make the aims and activities of the Rotary Club of Buxton and the wider world of Rotary known to the public


Membership Matters
