A celebration lunch was held on the 6th October, attended by past and present members, representatives from other local clubs and family and friends. Guests of honour included Gillian Pearce, the District Governor for District 1090 and Geoff Goodall, one of the founder members of the club, who recounted tales of “the early days”.
Entertainment included a magician who circulated amongst the guests as they settled. After lunch, the Thame Children’s Choir, sang a selection of songs including the number 1 of 7th October 1968. A donation was made to them by way of thanks for their contribution.
Graham Colverson, club President said:
“I felt it was only right that this milestone in our history should be recognised and I am delighted that everyone enjoyed themselves on the day. Whilst the club has experienced the ups and downs typical of many organisations, the principle of “Service above Self” has always been at the centre of what we do.
Our focus has been to assist the local community and to provide selective and targeted help overseas. Children are often given priority when deciding how support should be distributed. Fundraising has been an integral part of our activities, although we do also provide hands on assistance or make available facilities for the collection of items no longer wanted by their owners.
We are supported by the local Inner Wheel club and last year we inaugurated our first Interact Club at Wheatley Park School. Without their support, we would not be able to do many of the things we do, and I thank them for all for their involvement with the club.
Our biggest challenge today is common amongst many clubs - how to secure new members to ensure future growth, service and friendship. This is something we are reviewing and will be working on over the coming months and years; but today, I would like to thank all members, past and present, who have enabled this club to continue serving the community of Thame, surrounding districts and around the world”.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Thame Rotary has collaborated with 21st Century Thame and local businesses to construct hedgehog homes for the Hedgehog Highways Project in Thame
moreRotary Phoenix collaborated with Trees for Thame and local businesses to plant 30m of hedging and 35 trees in the Queen Elizabeth Circle recreation area and a further 12 trees at Hamilton Drive.
moreRotary’s Business in the Community Volunteering Programme involves volunteers from local businesses joining employees from other businesses, to undertake community projects, during working hours.
moreRotary Phoenix has collaborated with 21st Century Thame and local businesses to construct Hedgehog Homes for a project in Thame
moreRotary Club of Thame & District warmly welcomes enquiries from anyone interested to join Rotary.