Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

Tue, Jun 11th 2019 at 12:45 pm - 2:45 pm

Retiring Mayor Lynda Scanlan came to present Paul Harris Fellowship awards to Past Presidents Pat Emmerson and Elizabeth Wortman. She was then surprised to receive an award herself from President Tony Wortman for her charity work during her year as Mayor.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

'We're for Communities' and work within our local community, whose assistance and support we value greatly.


Activities include working with schools,Youth Competitions, Rotary Youth Leadership Award scheme, our Interact Club, Rotakids clubs and much more.


Members of Seaburn Rotary wish to express their condolences to members of The Royal Family upon the death of Her Majesty.


Rotary Club of Seaburn works with communities overseas, mostly through The Rotary Foundation.


Rotary International's big effort to rid the world of this crippling disease started in 1985. We are so close to completing the job. Just one last push!


We follow this avenue of service by helping in schools in a variety of ways. We also have speakers who tell us about their occupations.


Former Rotary Club of Seaburn Satellite Club, which was formed into a separate Rotary Club SR1.


This committee is concerned with the administration of the club. It incorporates: House; Registrar; Fellowship; Programme; Sport. The President Elect is usually the chairman of the committee, with other members taking a lead in each particular activity.

A collage of the seven cards we have on offer for sale in 2020.

Each year a new card is painted by Rotarian Randle Oliver. These are sold to friends as well as other Rotary club members to raise funds for Rotary Foundation and other charities, including our own Benevolent Fund.


This new community venture opened in August 2017. The meetings are held at 2.00 pm on the last Wednesday each month.

Redby Rotakids with their charter and Rotarians

Redby Academy Rotakids were excited to received the charter on 17th May 2016


Rotary's main purpose is to encourage and nurture volunteerism locally, nationally and internationally. We have an active Membership Committee and would like to hear from anyone interested in finding out more about Rotary.


The Rotary Club of Seaburn received a banner award in recognition of its generous support of Rotary Foundation, being the 3rd highest donor in Rotary North East. It demonstrates the club's commitment to Doing Good in the World.
