Brighter Futures “wins” one-and-a-half grand at the Rotary Stakes

We went to the races in March. It was a meeting with 10 races, 8 riders in each. It wasn’t at Epsom, or Haydock Park, or just up the M4 at Newbury. It was, of all places, in Wanborough Village Hall.

Just like all race meetings not many of the 70 punters who came made a profit.  No matter, they didn’t mind, as the object of the exercise was to raise money for a good cause. 

And, of course, the races were on a large TV screen.

After a couple of races fish and chips were served.  Not just any fish and chips, not even M&S fish and chips, but fish and chips from the Bakers Arms in Badbury.  It’s said they serve the best fish and chips for miles around.

It was a fun evening raising funds for a very worthwhile appeal, the Brighter Futures appeal for Cancer Services.  In one way or another Cancer affects one in two of the population and we are united in a determination to beat it.

We’ve done these race nights before but this one was the best attended for a long time.  Apart from the Tote there were other little ruses such as a raffle and a well-stocked bar to persuade the punters to dig even deeper into their pockets.

The event raised £1,500 and Catherine Newman of Brighter Futures came to our Rotary meeting this week [20th May] to accept the cheque.  She gave us an update on the situation of the new radiotherapy unit at the Great Western Hospital.  All the consents and funds are now in place and the building work will start soon.  They are planning a “spade event” when it commences and all those who played a part in achieving the £2.9m target will be invited.  Between them the Swindon Rotary Clubs were responsible for contributing one-third of the £2.9m.

Radiotherapy Appeal celebrates reaching the £2.9m target

The next Race Night on Screen will be in the Spring of 2020

Click here to go to the 2019 Race Night on Screen page

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Will you join our 250-Club lottery? We have run it for more than 25 years and in that time it has raised tens of thousands of Pounds for charity


Rotary is one of the largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations in the world. It has 1.2 million members in over 200 countries.


Children's bereavement charity Wiltshire Treehouse is based in Swindon


A Partner Club is a Rotary club that supports ShelterBox's work in disaster relief by donating over £2,000 in a Rotary year


24th October is World Polio Day


From Rotary Club local heats to national finals, Rotary Youth Competitions in a range of creative areas let young people’s skills flourish.


Brighter Futures launched their Radiotherapy Appeal in 2015. Today, 7 years later, a ribbon cutting ceremony has taken place at the Great Western Hospital


Giving money and support to the people in Swindon & district who need it most


A brief summary of our Rotary year ending 30/06/2024


£1286 has been sent from our Emergency Disaster Fund to the Disasters Emergency Committee UKRAINE HUMANITARIAN APPEAL


Rotary’s second major donation, of £208,000, was handed over on 7th July 2021 when local Rotarians visited the Great Western Hospital to view the build progress of the nearly completed radiotherapy unit.


We went to the races in March. It was a meeting with 10 races, 8 riders in each. It wasn’t at Epsom, or Haydock Park, or just up the M4 at Newbury. It was, of all places, in Wanborough Village Hall.


"In musical entertainment Swindon punches way above its weight. Some of the youngsters we've heard tonight will go on to make a name for themselves"


The Rotary Club of North Wiltshire (the name was changed to the Rotary Club of Swindon North in 2008) received its charter from Rotary International on 28th September 1966


Rotarian Terry Williams' remarkable and unique fund raising effort, living in a ShelterBox emergency tent for a week in the Market Place, Highworth
