Martello Rotary Welcomes Global Rotary Scholar

President Rodney Reed and Marion Trew welcome Stacy our Rotary Scholar as she points to her distant homeland in Taiwan

Shih Tang – Global Scholar


On her second day in the UK, Global Scholar Shih Tang (aka Stacy) uses the Martello Rotary topograph on the Seaford seafront to show the way to her home in Taiwan, approximately 6,090 miles away.  Stacy. a Global Scholar sponsored by The Rotary Foundation. is hosted by Martello Rotary Seaford members Marion Trew and Janice Vince.  Stacy will spend a year undertaking postgraduate studies for a ‘Master of Arts in Development Studies’ at the University of Sussex in Brighton.


The topograph, newly refurbished by the Seaford Town Council, is a legacy of Martello Rotary Past President 2007/8 Claire Ivory.  Rotary International President Mark Maloney’s theme for 2019/20 is “Rotary Connects the World” and Stacy embodies that by linking Seaford with Taiwan.  A second example of this theme in practice will take place in April 2020 when 13 members from Martello Rotary Seaford go to visit our international charity partner ‘Community Training Assistance and Support’ (CTAS) schools and water projects in Nepal. This will include a visit to a Claire Ivory memorial placed on the first CTAS water tank and school sanitation project, this one in the mountain village of Pipaldali.




In the photographs are Rotary Foundation Global Scholar Shih Tang, Marion Trew co-host and Rodney Reed, Martello Rotary President.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Rodney Reed and Marion Trew welcome Stacy our Rotary Scholar as she points to her distant homeland in Taiwan

The Bar at Tidemills

Rotarians man the Bar at the Tidemills Experience !!

Seaford Silver Band at the 2019 Martello Proms

Martello Rotary host yet another successful Martello Proms Concert


GRANT APPLICATION FORMS Grant Application Forms and Advice on completing them can be found below.


Martello Rotary paid for new stirrups and leathers and reins so that each rider can have a ‘personalised set up’ for their ride as soon as they arrive at the stables.
