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Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club
Special General Meeting, 7.0pm 26th November 2020
Present Derek Goodacre (DGo) , Gordon Marsh (GM), Rob Gray (RG), Anne Daly (AD) , Trevor Richmond (TR), Alan Folwell (AF), Mike Twells (MT), Steve Carson (SC), Gerry Thompson (GT), David Eldridge (DE), Mary Bridge-Collyns (MB-C), Stan Taylor (ST), Mike Morris (MM), Duncan Garment (DGa) , Adrian Cresswell (AC), John Spence (JS), Clive Rees (CR), Alan Wilson (AW) , Roy Morledge (RM), Carole Capper (CC), Denis Bacon (DB), Bill Banner (BB), Chris Netherwood (CN) , Allen Richmond (AR), David Valentine (DV), Stuart Horsley (SH), Barry Newman (BN) Apology MF, SL, JH, PJ
1. To receive and approve the Annual Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2020.
2. To elect by ballot the following Club Officers for the year 2021/2022 to take office from 1st July 2021
(a) President Nominee
(b) Secretary
(c) Treasurer
1. Annual Accounts
The annual accounts were approved unanimously
2. (a) David Eldridge was appointed as President Nominee (proposed by AF and seconded by TR)
(b) There were no nominations for the role of Secretary – which remains vacant, As AF has agreed to continue to carry out that part of the role which can be described as “Minutes Secretary”, there needs to be am urgent search for a member to carry out the balance of the role Action All
© Anne Daly, having volunteered to continue as Treasurer, was appointed
3. Date of next meeting to be confirmed.
Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club
Business Meeting Agenda –
7.0pm Thursday 26th November 2020
1. President’s Opening Remarks.
2. Approve Minutes of the last Business Meeting (1st October 2020)
3. Matters Arising.
4. Conflict of Interest
5. Secretary’s Report.
6. Treasurer’s Report.
7. Service Committee Reports.
a) Fundraising
b) International & Foundation
c) Community & Vocational
d) Youth
e) Membership, Club Services & Programme
8. A.O.B.
9. Date of next meeting – Thursday 28th January 2021
Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club
Minutes of Business Meeting – Thursday 26th November 2020
Present Derek Goodacre (DGo) , Gordon Marsh (GM), Rob Gray (RG), Anne Daly (AD) , Trevor Richmond (TR), Alan Folwell (AF), Mike Twells (MT), Steve Carson (SC), Gerry Thompson (GT), David Eldridge (DE), Mary Bridge-Collyns (MB-C), Stan Taylor (ST), Mike Morris (MM), Duncan Garment (DGa) , Adrian Cresswell (AC), John Spence (JS), Clive Rees (CR), Alan Wilson (AW) , Roy Morledge (RM), Carole Capper (CC), Denis Bacon (DB), Bill Banner (BB), Chris Netherwood (CN) , Allen Richmond (AR), David Valentine (DV), Stuart Horsley (SH), Barry Newman (BN) Apology MF, SL, JH, PJ
President’s Opening Remarks.
DGo had attended a District meeting on Zoom
· The Newark Castle amendment had been defeated in favour of a policy on matching grants
· Several RCs have “adopted a railway station”
· Zoom voting had proved very slow at the District meeting
DG has sent a letter of condolence to the family of Graham Lomax (Bingham Club)
2. Approve Minutes of the last Business Meeting (1st October 2020)
The Minutes were approved unanimously (Proposed ST: Seconded DE)
Matters Arising.
None that were not to be covered later in the agenda
Conflicts of Interest and Health and Safety
No conflicts of interest were declared
The need for two Risk Assessments would be covered later in the agenda
5 Secretary’s Report.(TR)
Stella Herbert will be the AG Trent next Rotary year
6 Treasurer’s Report.(AD)
Report taken as read. There were no questions
7. Service Committee Reports.
a) Fundraising (SC)Report taken as read
Now that the latest Covid Tier arrangements have been announced, SC will speak to Steve Cole at EBGC re the 3 collections. Action SC
A Risk assessment will be needed Action SC/RM
Suggestions were taken (Action SC to choose for inclusion) for associated local charities to be mentioned on notice re collection
· Air Ambulance
· Taras Angels
· Foodbanks
· First Responders
· Blood Bikes
· Cotgrave SuperKitchen
· Radcooks
TR is to check with District as to whether a Performing Licence is needed Action TR
SC will invite a JustGiving donation response in the promotion information (Facebook) for our Xmas activities Action SC
It was noted that some Rotary Clubs are doing a “Zoom Santa” It was agreed that this might be considered next year (note need to check safeguarding and data security)
b) International & Foundation
ST has received photo evidence of the completion of the second latrine and awaits the formal written report. Info to be posted on our website Action ST/DGa
ST noted that there was proven appetite for donating to End Polio Action All to consider seeking sponsorship
A possible lower key project for Nepal (via Rosie May) could be available later in the year if funds permit
Sgt at Arms donations by members was building up to support Foundation Action All to consider
c) Community & Vocational
Report and attachments taken as read
All recipients for Foodbank produce (except Radcooks who were late to order) have received – Radcooks will get produce next week
C&V Committee had agreed a £300 donation to Kids Out which will provide Toys for Children in Notts refuges
There was no need for a direct donation to Taras Angels before Xmas
Helping Hands in Bingham had been donated £150 (via Bingham Community Events to whom HH are affiliated) before Xmas – and will be sent a further £150 post Xmas.
A historic donation of £150 made for attendance at a jamboree that was cancelled will be returned to the Trust Fund
AD is organising (Action AD) a donation day for Grantham Foodbank (who serve much of our area including Bingham) on Dec 10 during Bingham Market Day. AD is preparing a poster and rota. A Risk Assessment is needed Action AD/RM
d) Youth
Report taken as read
Our Rotakids supported Xmas in Need and raised £600. Rod Gilbey has reported on the high levels of pressure being experienced as a result of Covid. A Zoom meeting with Newark Castle to pass on our experience of Rotakids is to take place.
D4Ls have been very well received and a reorder for next year’s Year 5 distribution is imminent.
JS reported on opportunities for working with Langar School (best contact is senior teacher) Action CN to speak to JH and SH
e) Membership, Club Services & Programme
Report taken as read
Members were urged to keep using our Website – (in very good shape thanks to MM, AR, DGa)
Meeting was asked to consider the new Trust Deed (thanks to IT which was approved unanimously (Proposed GM ; Seconded SC) The new Trust Deed will be added to Standing Orders (Action MM)
MCSP Committee propose that the new process (Business Meeting followed by Trustee Meeting) should start when we recommence face to face meetings
TR informed the meeting that Conflict of Interest and Due Diligence, have been added to Standing Orders on the club website, by MM
Next Club meetings would be on December 10th (speaker already arranged) and 17th (speaker to be advised)
Members would be invited to place Xmas beer orders with Brewster’s Brewery – who have been very generous supporters of our events Action AF/ST to organise Date of next meeting – Thursday 28th January 2021
'What We Do' Main Pages:
We have now successfully run this event for 10 years. Full reports of each year are available under this main page
moreIf you like what we do as an organisation and are interested in volunteering with us, keeping up to date with our plans and future events then why not consider signing up as a friend of our Rotary Club
moreThis is a monthly meeting open to visitors from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave and all villages in surrounding area.
moreThis committee are involved in planning now we can raise funds for our chosen charities
moreIt's here that you can read what we've been up to in the last few months. For more information on our work in the local community, with our young people and internationally please access "what we do" section of this web site.
moreOur International Committee is involved with Polio Plus - a Rotary initiative to eradicate Polio, World-wide; Sand dams; Aqua Boxes; Shelter Boxes; Collecting used spectacles, and many other projects
moreHere you can read about the many meetings we've had during our formation as a Rotary Club. The early years are a little short on detail...