Bury Avenue Bench Refurbishment

Local Community Gardens Asset revitalised by Newport Pagnell Rotary

Newport Pagnell Rotary.   Bury Avenue Gardens.

The green space between Bury Street and Bury Avenue just off the High Street in Newport Pagnell is a well used leisure and relaxation area with six benches.  The benches were in a very poor condition, and the Rotary Club of Newport Pagnell, after inspecting them in late August decided that something should be done to improve this local community asset.

After approaching the Newport Town and Milton Keynes Councils, the Newport Pagnell Rotary Club  acquired permission to carry out the refurbishment and in November members of the Rotary Club were able to refurbish all of the six benches in the Bury Avenue Gardens at a cost of just over £650; most of the  money came from the Rotary Club funds with a contribution  of £250 from the Rotary District funds.

From the numerous comments from the general public, it is clear that the newly painted and re-planked benches have revitalised the Bury Avenue Gardens and if any readers would like to help with the financing of the benches, then they are invited to have a look at our Home Page on this site and press the donate button. Every little helps!

Update: We have now refurbished and relocated securely another single bench close to the Rotary Crocus display near the Fire Station. The bench has been revitalised as a tribute to the memory of Rotarian  and Councillor/Town Mayor Wendy Egan, for her invaluable and long service to Newport Pagnell Rotary and Newport Pagnell Town Council.

From <https://www.rotary-ribi.org/adminsection/clubadmin/a-pages_Update.php?PgID=824955&pt=5

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The completed Bench Refurbishment project

Local Community Gardens Asset revitalised by Newport Pagnell Rotary


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