Santa tells some stories!

Last year we could not carry out our usual street collections. Please donate online instead.

Santa in 2019.

Last Christmas, because of the Coronavirus, sadly and with regret, we were unable to carry out our usual street collections with Santa on his sleigh. We couldn't do the supermarket collections either, more is the pity. Your children love to see Santa waving to them in the street, as he goes by, and chatting to them at Sainsbury's and Tescos. So, instead of seeing him live, they can still see him in these lovely videos, even though we are now into 2021. So please go ahead and let your children enjoy them!

The first is meant for the little kids, up to about 5 years of age. In this one Santa is having a little problem making a toy! They will see Santa fiddling around with a screwdriver!

The second is for your older ones, up to about 11 years old, and tells a quite nice little story about a little boy who saved Christmas. Christopher wonders if he can help with a problem Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is having with his nose!

Nor is it too late to make a donation to our charities, which you still can do through our Give As You Live link which is here. You can select any amount you wish to give, not necessarily an amount the site suggests. Any contribution, however small, will be gratefully received. Many thanks for helping us in this way. 

Gordon ThomasContact Gordon Thomas about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Chris begins the new Rotary year as president.


Welcome to Peter Stammers


Held at The Beacon School, Banstead in January 2025


Support for Rotary charities


A splendid evening


Please donate to help those poor people in Ukraine


The UK's leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families.


A charity walk in Nonsuch Park.


Would you like someone to come and provide your organisation with a talk?


Peter becomes the next President of Nonsuch Rotary


The start of a new Rotary year.

Santa in 2019.

Last year we could not carry out our usual street collections. Please donate online instead.


A great evening of Rotary


Helping the Community


Barry receives a special Rotary Award


A fine walk in Nonsuch Park


The Classic Car Show of the summer


We donate goods to a local Food Bank


Come and join us on one of our projects!

Ignore the guys! We sent these charming lasses, all from Carshalton High School for Girls.

We do lots on Youth Leadership through sending students to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) training scheme


Gordon Thomas receives his award


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Linking with our Rotary friends in Germany
