
Testimonials from serving members, indicating why they joined Rotary and what they get out of it.

Please take the time to read the testimonials from serving members.  It will give you an idea of what you could get out of Rotary, and what you could achieve for your community.

Our Achievements


We are proud to say that in the last 6 years

alone our club has raised circa £140,000 and

distributed to local, national and international

charities, also providing youth activities

and support


I joined in 2000 when I retired from teaching on ill health grounds.  I wanted to be involved with charity work locally and more widely, so Rotary fitted the bill.  People in a similar position to me – ie newly retired but with plenty of energy, skills, knowledge etc., are a good target for clubs like ours.  Young people are not going to want to join our kind of club, but would join a less formal group using online facilities – the eClub for example.  The generosity of spirit is out there – just look at the Just Giving generosity.


Several people I had known since school days were in Rushden Chichele Club, and an old school friend asked me if I would like to join.  So Rotary has renewed some old friendships, gives me a commitment to meet other people and to work together on a number of projects.  It gives me the opportunity to get involved with world wide projects especially End Polio, and to help in times of disaster through Shelter Box, Water Aid, Disaster Aid UK, etc.  I have made friends through Rotary both in the club and District.


I have been able to use my particular skills (writing, performing, photography) to benefit club and District by writing and editing the club newsletter and the District magazine as well as writing articles about Rotary for the Evening Telegraph.


I used to be involved in all the projects the club undertook – Youth projects, especially Youth Speaks, and International – but now, unfortunately I cannot do anything physical but I can still find jobs to do – secretarial, newsletter etc.


We meed Rotary at a local and international level.  With well over 1 million members across the world who all think in a positive way about making the world a better place for children, the sick and disabled, Rotary can contribute money, skills and service.  If we just look at the projects, charities, and individuals our own club has supported, Rushden and district would be significantly worse off without Rotary – small projects like carol singing at Darsdale Care Home and giving the residents a Christmas fruit basket, to larger projects such as The Martins Garden, MIND and SERVE.  Worldwide, think of the number of Shelter Boxes and Disaster Aid donations we have made, but above all our contribution to Polio eradication which is now almost completed.  All Rotary Clubs, together with Bill Gates, the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, have almost conquered a worldwide disease, saved untold lives and saved untold numbers of children from crippling conditions.


Who will do the services that Rotary does if Rotary does not exist?


Working with and through Rotary makes charity work easy and working with friendly men and women of the same mindset makes it all the more enjoyable.

David Wilson

Our Aims


We raise funds through companionship, friendship and

our common goals to do the right thing; we will be able to

continue and grow this by expanding our membership for

 the future to make a difference.


I have been in Rotary for over 20 years and I was introduced by the Managing Director of the company of my employer – he had been a founder member of the Rushden Chichele Club.  I was already aware of  the activities and fellowship that Rotarians were involved in, from him and a few other friends who were in other clubs.I decided to join as I wanted to be able to give something back to those who were in a less fortunate position than I was, and I wanted to get involved in charitable work.


Joining Rotary meant I wa able to do this with other members as a group, and achieve more than I would have been able to do as an individual.


From a personal point of view (as well as the charitable work noted above) I have enjoyed helping at events and developing strong friendships with other club members.  I also find it very rewarding to be aware of the projects and fundraising carried out by Rotary and know that I have played a part in making thee possible both locally and throughout the world.  Wearing the Rotary badge when out at events etc., and seeing others with a Rotary badge, has given me an opportunity to introduce myself as a Rotarian and immediately have a talking point.  There is also the opportunity to attend other Rotary Club meetings worldwide when away on business or holiday.I have even attended a Rotary meeting on a cruise ship and met many interesting people through being a Rotarian.


I have been involved in many projects and have been Club President, chaired various committees the most recent being International Chairman for the past 9 or 10 years.  The major project I have been involved in for the past 7 years is establishing and leading the team for the annual CHICHELE CLASSIC CAR SHOW which has raised around £40.000 for the club and is now continuing in conjunction with the Rushden Historical Transport Society at its new venue in Hall Park.


For the past few years I have organised the club's Walking Treasure Hunt and the International Night.


Rotary has had to find a way to continue and grow, which is all going to hinge around growing membership and changing with the times.

To some extent this has been achieved by the old and dated rules of attendance, dress code and formalities being relaxed.  But there is still more to do to change the image that the general public seem to have about Rotary and Rotarians.  That said, I do think we need to have criteria for who we invite into the club and that must be people who do things - “people of action” - not just additions to the membership list.

Roy Murphy


Our Values


We are all inclusive and

 diverse. We welcome all

 genders, races, and religions.

We offer friendship, leadership, and service.

To join you just need to be 18 years or over.


A friend who was already a Rotarian introduced me to the club my inviting me to several meetings, after which I felt I had something to offer.


Being a Rotarian gives me the opportunity to do a great deal of good in the local community and beyond.


I have spent the last 7 years helping to organise the Classic Car Show, and meetings students in local schools giving advice on job interviews and CV writing, et.


Rotary continue to support communities, charities and all those who need our help.

John Hustwait


I am a founder member of our club having previously been in Round Table.  The other Rushden club met at lunchtime, so an evening club was needed making it possible for people who worked outside the Rushden area to become members.


It was a natural progression to become a Rotarian as it has many similar aims and objectives.  Rotary needs to continue so it can offer real support where needed, whilst promoting honesty and fairness.  What we need now are new like minded members to make this continuation possible

Alan Mossop


I have been in Rotary for 34 years and before that in Round Table since I was 19 and, therefore, in a service club for most of my life.  Although Rotary raises an awful lot of money and does a tremendous job, for me it means I have a group of friends – great friends – which I would not have had but for Rotary.  Through friendship comes the desire to help people and raise money.  It is a big part of my life and who I am.

Michael Hill




Our Past


As part of our fundraising

 we have organised events

 such as the annual Funfest day

 and Classic Car Show, Golf Days, BBQ's,

pub games nights and quizzes to

name but a few.  We really enjoy

what we do.


I am immensely proud to be a Rotarian.  What Rotary gives me is the opportunity to give back some of the good fortune that I have enjoyed during my life, to those who are less fortunate.  The recent pandemic has shown how dependent we humans are on each other, and none of us should be afraid to lend a helping hand to our communities, whether local or global.  Everyone has some spare capacity and no matter how small that capacity may be, helping others in need is a very rewarding experience.

David Kendrick


Our Present


We need to continue to support

 existing and new projects

 and we are able to continue to remain

busy and focused for our Rotary Club

despite these challenging times. 

To enable us to do this we need to

encourage more members to join us.


When it was decided to set up a new Rotary Club I was one of those asked to be coached by a member of a Bedford Club on the setting up and running a Rotary Club.  This took several weeks, so that our group understood all about Rotary, what it stood for and what we would have to do to set up our own club.  Eventually others were invited to join these meetings.


When we were eventually given our Charter in 1984, we then set up weekly meetings.  \Unfortunately, after a couple of years, I developed a food allergy and was unable to join in the weekly dinners at Rotary.  To help raise money for Rotary charities, I used to act as drinks waiter – getting the drinks for members who were eating – and charging them a little extra.  I also ran a raffle, distributed paperwork and generally helped the President.


This is how I became the Club Steward and still have that title to this day.


I was very proud to receive a Paul Harris Fellowship for my work for Rushden Chichele Rotary Club.

Derek Harber


Our Future


To grow our membership and

 undertake activities that we

 choose collectively, to provide

 friendship and companionship

 for our club and service to the

 community by engaging  locally,

 nationally, and internationally,

 believing we can all make a

 big difference to our world

 if we all join together in this aim.


I moved into Higham Ferrers in 2009, not knowing anyone in the area apart from my daughter.  Then I saw an advertisement asking for new members to join Rotary.  “That would be a good way to meet people” I thought  I had the misconception of Rotary that a lot of people have – that it was an all male organisation.  However, when I checked out the website I saw photos of many women all doing their bit for the community.


Since joining, I have been instrumental in organising the annual “Funfest” event which has now run for eight years and raised over £60,000 for local charities and worthwhile causes.


And now I am President of the Club!  I feel very honoured to have been asked to fulfil this position, and although this year is a tough one due to the Coronavirus, my main aim is to keep the club going, by keeping the members happy and engaged.  If we manage to raise a few pounds for charity in the process, then that will be a bonus.


I am also hoping to be able to set up an Interact Club for young people aged between 12-18, introducing them to the power of volunteering.

Judy Webb

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary projects engage communities and make a difference


We are very pleased to have a Corporate Member in the form of Wykes Engineering, which is part of a group which also includes Chelveston Renewable Energy


A monthly magazine


As leaders in our communities and with the recognition of ‘Supporting the Environment’ as the seventh Rotary Area of Focus, we must do more.


Crocus Planting


So many projects


Rushden Chichele Rotary Club meet on a regular basis to enjoy friendship, and social activities.


Testimonials from serving members, indicating why they joined Rotary and what they get out of it.


The Club Newsletter


The range of programmes for students and youth offered by the clubs of Rotary District 1070 can change the lives of those who participate. Young people can: Earn scholarships, Travel on cultural exchanges Help a community through a service project
