In 2020 we learned of an exciting project being undertaken by the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp in South Africa.
We have had a connection with the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp for many years following a visit to them by a member of our club. This was formalised by a twinning agreement and we have kept in touch since that time.
In and around Klerksdorp, which is about 100 miles west of Johannesburg, there are many poor townships where poverty is rife. In 2019 their club purchased a shipping container and converted it into a classroom. The container was moved to one of the townships, fitted with computers, printers, desks and chairs together with Wi-Fi and electricity. This allowed the local children, who only received school tuition in the mornings, to continue with their homework and education when they got home from school.
This internet classroom container proved to be a huge success and the monitoring of its use by the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp enables the facility to continue as a vital asset in the township today.
Our club felt that this was a great project and we wanted to provide another township with such an internet classroom.
In 2021 we raised sufficient funds, together with a district grant, and asked our colleagues in Klerksdorp to oversee the acquisition, equipping and installation of another container.
This work went ahead and was successfully completed in June 2022. Mildmay has now helped provide two of the four internet classroom containers in the Klerksdorp area.
This joint project certainly lived up to the Rotary 'Serve to Change Lives' theme for 2021-22 and Klerksdorp and Mildmay look forward to working together again.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The latest edition of Mildmay Matters features District Forum, Project Luangwa, A year as Association President of Inner Wheel, Beaulieu Christmas Community Meal, Santa Sleigh 2024, Christmas Lunch and much more. You will find past issues here too.
moreSanta Sleigh completed its grand tour on 23 December to North Springfield, Beaulieu and Channels, the Chelmsford Garden Community, Boreham, Ford End, Little Waltham, Broads Green, Great Waltham and Howe Street.
moreAfter eight years of broadcasting Rotary Roundup on CCR (Chelmsford Community Radio), Rotarians Dave Almond (Chelmsford Mildmay) and Rob Peters (Chelmsford Phoenix) presented their last programme on 17 December 2023.
moreRaising funds for local, national and international causes is key to what we do.
moreDue to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Rotary clubs were unable to meet physically but we continued in other ways including video conferencing and a weekly online bulletin. Stories about members’ interests and activities continue to be posted here.
moreTheme - Shapes and Patterns: now closed for entries. Winners announced on 21 June. Sponsor: Blue Sky Printing, Chelmsford
moreFor seven years Mildmay Rotarians collected unwanted but usable computer equipment, professionally cleared hard drives, packed, loaded and shipped to Tanzania schools.
morecelebrating retiring President Roger Spall’s successful year leading Chelmsford Mildmay Rotary Club
moreJoin Rotary and Make a World of Difference - a short video about the difference you make through Rotary.
moreAlistair's visit to New Zealand included West Nelson Club. Read their newsletter here. Just click on the image below.