Taste of Burns Celebration
Troon Rotarians and guests gathered at the Piersland Hotel to enjoy their twice postponed streamlined Burns Supper 2022. Normally this event takes place in January but because of Covid restrictions our rearranged gathering took place on Tuesday 9th March. Our Taste of Burns celebration is fulsome in our admiration for the great Bard but modest in the amount of well chosen speeches, songs and verse we enjoy. This means that we all welcome the haggis being piped in and suitably honoured with its noble address and this is followed by a hearty traditional meal and beverages. This year we were entertained by Rotarians John Crerar and Jyl Cunninghame who did an excellent rendition and modern reply to Burns’ ‘The Rights of Women’ which was followed by a scholarly and fascinating Immortal Memory by Wallace Wilson a past Rotarian and member of Irvine Burns Club
The evening’s entertainment concluded with husband and wife Rotarians Marion and Ian giving a hilarious account of Willie Wastle and his wife. Marion began her reply to the famous poem with the words . . . ‘Willie Wastle wisnae braw . . .’
Following the vote of thanks and before the final toast the whole company joined in a hearty rendition of Auld Lang Syne.
The photo shows Rotarian and Chef, Robert Young, Piper Andrew Pattison and Rotarian George Young who gave the Address to the Haggis
more Past President and Secretary Stuart Kane welcoming Kilmarnock Rotarian Jon Herd to the meeting on 17 October 2023. Jon gave a fantastic talk on the life and works of Robert W Service also known as the "Bard of the Yukon".
more Sunset from Troon's Blether Benches 2022
more President Jyl Cunningham presenting a Paul Harris Foundation award to Rotarian Fiona Bain in recognition of her selfless dedication and hard work for Rotary.
more John gave the Club Members a very interesting and illuminating talk on " Fairlie's Secret War". This was based on the secret anti u boat technologies that were devised and tested at a secret base in Fairlie.
more Jyl Ashton Cunningham, President and Rotarian Robert Young presenting the TRCS cheque to Gillian the Minister of the Messy Church, supported by Joan and Jennifer.
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more Get a new form. Update your details.
more St Patrick's PS - Gracie Melvin's poster was highly commended and placed on display at the airport.
more Rotary Blether Benches
more Presentation of £200 to the 6th Troon Brownies. In the picture are Rotarian Robert Young, Brownie Leader Fiona Knight, Rotarian Sue Silcock, Rotarian President Mike Schirwing and two Brownies.
more Mike Schirwing is the new President for 2022/23 our 70th Charter Year.
more Click on the first picture to scroll through the album. Twinned Club near Paris, France
more Stuart Kane is the new President of Troon Rotary 2021-22
more 28th Ayrshire Scout group receiving a TRCS cheque from President Jyl Cunningham to assist them with their plans to attend the International Scout Camp in Switzerland. They also received a cheque to assist in the purchase of the Scout building.
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more Donation to Women's Aid gifted by Willis Pharmacy, Troon http://southayrshirewomensaid.org.uk
more Meals were delivered by Rotarians on behalf of the Micah Project which was led by St Meddans Church, Troon.
more Gifts of toiletries and cosmetics were donated to South Ayrshire's Women's Aid from the Troon community.
more Donations welcome. In memory? In celebration?
more President Stuart presented a new trophy to Troon Art Club. The trophy, depicting a crashing wave on a plinth, was sculpted by Richie Cameron. President of Troon Art Club, Clair Dorris, accepted the trophy. She was accompanied by member Bill McKinlay.
more Donation of £1574 from Troon Rotary
more Biscuits to enjoy when visiting Give a Dog a Bone in Troon
more for helping Rotary open opportunities in the lives of people all over the world.
more Gracie Melvin's poster is on display at the Airport at COP26.
more July 2020
more A very generous donation from a local Pharmacy supports Women's Aid.
more Sit and talk awhile
more £1260 raised through Raffle
more Cafe 141 are providing Christmas meals for those in need. Troon Rotarians donated the £200 monthly award and will deliver meals on Christmas Eve.
more Thank you to all who donated to our toiletries and cosmetics collection this Autumn. These seventy gifts will be donated to Women's Aid in Ayrshire where they will add a little cheer at Christmas. A great community project in Troon.
more Funding sent to Kids Out to provide toys to children in a refuge in the Troon area. https://www.kidsout.org.uk/who-we-are/rotary/
more Members supporting community event
more President Stuart laid the Rotary wreath at the Remembrance service.
more Rotary awarded David for his dedication to church music in Troon and to the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra.
more Joy was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for her commitment to keeping the beaches of Troon clean.
more A poem by Kenneth MacLeod, Rotarian in Troon, Ayrshire
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