Ferry Fair Bookshop Refurbishment

Sat, Apr 9th 2022 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Ferry Fair Bookshop Ready For Business

Bookshop Opening: Left to Right  Grace Higgins  Charlie Doga  Tracy Guyan

The second weekend in April saw the opening of the Ferry Fair Bookshop after a thorough makeover courtesy of Queensferry Rotary. The club is involved in many community service initiatives in the local area, but since the introduction of Covid restrictions, our activities have focused on projects that improve local amenities and the environment. Continuing this theme, a group of volunteers under the direction of Craig MacKenzie set about completely refurbishing and redecorating the charity bookshop in Queensferry High Street beside Rosebery Hall which has raised money for the Ferry Fair for many years. Chair of the Ferry Fair Committee Tracy Guyan thanked Queensferry Rotary for putting in so much work to an essential Ferry Fair fundraiser. The re-stocked bookshop was opened by last year's Ferry Fair Queen Grace Higgins accompanied by Herald Charlie Doga and Tracy Guyan. All money raised by selling books will go to the annual Ferry Fair. Donations of books are also gratefully received.