Kevelaer Our Partner Club in Germany

Our recently forged friendship with the Rotary Club of Kevelaer in Germany mirrors the friendship between our towns.

11 members of the Rotary Club of Kevelaer visited us in Bury St Edmunds on the weekend of 21st May. This was the first time the two clubs had been able to meet face to face , our freindship having been forged during the Covid pandemic. The weekend was filled with many activities which brought the clubs together including a Fish and Chip Supper, Disco Party, Tour of the town, Tour of Lavenham and a visit to Fullers Mill Garden.

President Elect Alan Chadwick mastermined the weekend and he is pictured exchanging club banners with the Kevelaer incoming presdient Michael Tijssen incoming president of the Kevelaer club., during a dinner at the Farmers Club.

Bury St Edmunds has a long association with the town of Kevelaer on the Western side of Germany whe they became twin towns in 1981. Since then many visits have taken place between the two towns, but this is the first time that the two Rotary Clubs have met up formally.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Record charity fundraising in 2022-2023 Rotary Year


In the spirit of Rotary International we aim to help those less fortunate than ourselves and by helping this cause we are giving these people a chance to help themselves improve their circumstances with dignity.


Our Club raises over £20,000 for charities each year. On Thursday 26th May we held our annual Charity Presentation Evening where we celebrated the work of the many charities we support, and their partnership with Rotary and each other

Our visitors from the Netherlands visit the Greene King Brewery

Bury Abbey has formed a strong partnership with the Rotary Club of Tiel-Waalstreek in the Netherlands.


Our recently forged friendship with the Rotary Club of Kevelaer in Germany mirrors the friendship between our towns.


Rotary Clubs throughout the Eastern Region are searching for applicants who would like to apply for a scholarship to spend a year at one of seven universities in the world to study conflict resolution, peace studies and international relations.

The Bury Abbey Rotary Young Chef Competition

Bury Abbey Rotary believes that every young person should have a chance to shine

We meet Monthly at the Beer Cafe on Westgate Street.

Our Natural Habitat - The Beer Cafe and the Greene King Brewery


Articles about Bury Abbey Rotary Club that have been released to the press will be displayed in these pages.


This is where club social gatherings that are not business meetings or fundraisers are advertised.


Some of the speakers and events we have featured in our meetings
