Rotary Club Cardiff St David's supports WISP Judo

The Rotary Club of Cardiff St.David’s has been delighted to have helped sponsor WISP Judo for several years

WISP Judo provides a fantastic inclusive facility for children of all ages and all abilities and disabilities. The great thing is that no child is turned away, regardless of their ability or disability, and children of all abilities and disabilities work and play together under the watchful eye of the judo coaches

It is great to see able-bodied children happily doing judo with disabled children, as this short video shows

Congratulations to WISP Judo for all

https://fb.watch/hxGQ0F14Kc/ (not sure if the link will work from here, if not then copy into your search engine)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Club Cardiff St David's supports WISP Judo


Description of what we as a club do and support we provide at home and abroad

Club member

Members of club made Christmas Cake Box Deliveries


We support St Mellons Youth Club, St Mellons Hub, Youth den, Llanrumney Youth Club for their summer activites


With the support from Cardiff St David's Rotary and Cardiff Youth Services St Mellons Youth Club was able to offer lots of activities

Handover to President Mazin

Annual handover with some surprise presentation

President Malcolm with members from the Club and St Mellons Community Council

To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, members of the club plant a tree in St Mellon's. We were joined at the planting by members of St Mellon's Community Council
