Rotary South Queensferry helps to plant Orchard

Sat, Mar 11th 2023 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Orchard planted near Hawthorn Bank Gardens

Our Environmental team have been in action again after a brief winter break. They played a key role in helping the Greenferry group with the planting of 41 mixed fruit trees on the empty land adjacent to Hawthorn Bank gardens to create the new Hawthorn Bank Community Orchard. The orchard now comprises a mixture of apple , damson, cherry and plumb trees.

The Greenferry group that includes our Vice President Neil McKinlay have been the main drivers of this fantastic project obtaining permissions and professional advice  from  the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC). They also  obtained generous funding and support from Cala Homes, Land Securities, North West Localities ( the department within CEC that makes donations for good community causes)  and Scotmid. 

A group of primary 7  children from Queensferry Primary School joined  in the project in the afternoon to help plant some of the fruit trees and they clearly enjoyed the outdoor educational experience.

Greenferry will ensure that in a couple of years all the produce from  the fruit  trees will be harvested and used by the community. We can see pictures of the Rotary team , Jim, Neil, Craig and Matt in action and clearly enjoying themselves. Well done guys and a big well done to our Greenferry friends for delivering on yet another fantastic community project