Club Meeting

Thu, Apr 20th 2023 at 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm

Speaker: Various club members - Meet the members.
Raffle – Alistair Rarity,
Reception – Jim McCulloch.

On Thursday 20th April, the Rotary Club of South Queensferry held a meeting in the Hawes Inn entitled Meet the Members. This was at the suggestion of some of the newer members. It was not a formal presentation, but an informal chat by four or five long-standing members about their Rotary experience. After a meal, they each spoke about how they had been introduced to Rotary, how they enjoyed the Rotary experience and what keeps them in the club. They also mentioned any personal information they wished to share, such as their background and their function and responsibilities within the club. The evening's format, which had not been tried before, was in the way of being an experiment. If the number of questions from the floor is any yardstick, it can be judged a success.