Club Meeting

Thu, Jun 22nd 2023 at 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm

Club /Community Awards.
Raffle – Gerald Smith,
Reception – President Sandy Mackenzie.

President Sandy Mackenzie (centre) with (left to right) Clara Morris, Nikita McLean, Mackenzie Doga, Marina Shaw, Terry Airlie and Anne-Marie Boyd

Thursday 22nd June was awards night at the Rotary Club of South Queensferry in the Hawes Inn. Members and guests joined with recipients and their families for a meal and to honour people who have, in various ways contributed to making Queensferry a better place in which to live.

The Ron Ainsworth Trophy, in memory of a long-standing and much missed past president, is awarded to a young person who has significantly contributed to the community. This year’s winner was Marine Cadet Sergeant Mackenzie Doga. Clara Morris and Nikita McLean, who were also nominated, received certificates.

Community Awards were presented to Dr Mark Gilmour (not present) for volunteering his horticultural expertise as a Friend of Ferry Glen over many years and for developing gardening classes for pupils of St Margaret’s Primary School. Also for providing English language tuition to local refugee families.

Terry Airlie received an award for dedicated service as Vice Chair and Secretary of Queensferry and District Community Council over many years.

Marina Shaw was recognised for voluntarily collecting litter and regularly raising environmental and anti-social issues with QDCC. Also for acting as an emergency foster carer.

Anne-Marie Boyd was awarded for her long-term commitment to young people, including serving on Queensferry Primary School PTA and as an early years practitioner with Echline Primary School and Nursery. Also for acting as Youth Work Organiser and serving on QDCC, the Ferry Fair and Christmas in Queensferry.

President Sandy Mackenzie said Rotary South Queensferry was delighted to continue the tradition of awarding people who had served the local community in a significant way. He thanked Sheana Ainsworth for attending the meeting.

The picture shows President Sandy Mackenzie (centre) with (left to right) Clara Morris, Nikita McLean, Mackenzie Doga, Marina Shaw, Terry Airlie and Anne-Marie Boyd