About Rotary Nailsea & Backwell

Painting  external areas of a junior school.

The club was formed in May 1977 and ever since then our members have been active across a wide range of service activities, projects and fundraising in a friendly social environment.

We are always on the look out for potential members, both male and female, who are looking to increase their social circle while putting something back into our local community and the national / international scene.

The other "What we do" pages give more detail to our current projects and activities and we also have an active social programme of events and visits for members and their partners throughout the year.

We meet for a meal on the first, third and fifth Thursday evening of each month at 7:00pm at The Mizzymead Recreation Centre in the middle of Nailsea (meeting in the bar from 6:30).  We have outside caterers so visitors do need to contact us a few days prior to the day of the meeting so we can order their meal. Use the "contact us" link below if you would like to attend a meeting and select "I'd like to visit".

If you would like to know more about us and the work we do, with or without the view to possible membership, then please click on the 'Contact us" below and select 'General enquiry' or 'I'm interested in joining' in the 'Subject' drop down menu box.

Contact us

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Heading back into Nailsea from Wraxall

15 June 2025 and up to the end of July Raising money for YOUR favourite charity

Helping at the regular litter picks

What we do in within the local community

The Tall Ships experience - sending youngsters to sea to boost their confidence. Recent Tall Ships crew which includes local youngsters we have sponsored.

We support young people in the community both in and outside of school


The 2024 Charity Golf Day was held on Thursday 11th July and made £2,000 for Prostate Cancer UK. 17 teams of 4 golfers enjoyed a round on the Brinsea Championship Course at Mendip Spring Golf Club. Date for 2025 is Thursday, 17 July.

Visit to Houses of Parliament

We have an active social programme to complement our service activity

The Rotary Effect

About Rotary International and how Rotary Nailsea & Backwell is part of a much bigger network


3 Bookstalls in 2024 were in March, June and July with our final sale on 19th October. A further 4 sales are planned for 2025 with dates to be announced. Handbag stalls are now being organised by Nailsea District Leg Club.
