Membership Services

Ever thought about joining Rotary?

All of our work is about helping communities flourish, be it organising a charity golf tournament, or helping with disaster relief anywhere in the world. Club life is really diverse because it is you and your fellow members who give it its own unique personality. 

Rotary was originally founded as a business networking group, and today those opportunities still make up a part of club life. So while you give something back to the community, your business life can benefit as well as your personal life.

Our clubs are friendly places, they regularly invite guest speakers from a wide range of backgrounds to talk and share their knowledge for the benefit of our members. As well as improving social and cultural awareness we can also help members develop their own skills in leadership and public speaking.

When you join a local Rotary club, you become a member of a global family with over 1.2 million Rotarians around the world. Just about wherever you are in the world one of our 34,000 clubs will be nearby with a warm welcome.

Being part of Rotary involves more than just giving something back to the community; it's about helping it to prosper and making some great friends along the way.We're looking for like-minded people to join us. Why not give great causes the benefit of your skills and experience? 

Please contact us to find out more

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our Swimathon has become an annual event and has raised an enormous amount for local charities.


Our Promise: Not a penny will be spent to cover administration costs and due diligence will be provided once the project is completed to ensure that the funds have been properly managed.

Library photo

We raise funds with events like Christmas Collections, Rotary Swimathon, Race Nights, Quiz Evenings, etc. The coronavirus epidemic has curtailed some of our efforts but as restrictions are lifted we are now planning a new programme of activities..


Ever thought about joining Rotary?


The Community and Vocational Committee is chaired by Colin Squire.


The International Committee is chaired by Eva Peters.


The Youth Committee is chaired by Andrew Murray.


In just a few years time The Rotary Club of Twickenham will celebrate 100 years of existence. A lot has happened in that time and we are justifiably proud of our heritage. The following is a brief history of some of the club's important landmarks.
