You may have heard a bit about Rotary and think it’s all male, all accountants, bank managers and solicitors, that we only come out at Christmas and that we have strict policies about attending meetings and wearing a tie, and stuff like that…
Not so! Rotary welcomes men and women of all ages, traditionally it used to be business people, but the phrase now is ‘of good standing in the community’ … and we have no political or religious affiliations. There are, at last count, 1.2 million of us, in almost every country in the world.
There is a meeting of our club each week, at the Red Lion pub in Teddington, when we have an optional single course meal, plan our projects, and often have a speaker from outside the club. But, as above, it is not necessary to come more often than you feel comfortable with.
The most important thing is that you should be ready to give some time and maybe your skills to give back to our community.
We support causes from the worldwide effort to eradicate Polio, to helping a local family buy special bit of kit for a disabled child… all of which requires us to first raise the money that we can then use appropriately.
All are welcome to come to a meeting, meet us and talk about membership and what we do, without any obligation.
Call John Wilson on 07718316570
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Rotary International are "this close" to eradicating polio worldwide. We are proud of our efforts to help raise awareness and funds for this important cause.
moreAfter three years absence the Village Fair made a welcome return to Teddington this summer thanks to our club in partnership with the Teddington Society.
morePeace is a cornerstone of our global mission. We stand with the people of Ukraine. Help us support the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
moreOur club is looking for new members to join us in our efforts to help where help is needed, in our local community, nationally or internationally.
moreThe new Rotary Fair on Twickenham Green organised by Twickenham upon Thames Rotary Club was a great success and gave us the opportunity to get the Fruit Machine out for an airing.
moreMake direct donations to our charity account here.
morePlease use this form to sign up for updates on upcoming events etc.