Our Club is lucky enough to have Hampton Court Palace on our 'patch' and when one of our members said he had a contact on the gardening staff… there could only be one destination for the 5000 crocuses we purchased to promote the final effort to eradicate polio from the world.
It's down to just a handful of cases in 2 or 3 countries. Even one, though, is too many and the disease could return. For every 1 £ $ or € we raise, the Bill Gates Foundation puts in 2. Why Crocuses? well when children are immunised they get a finger painted with purple die, almost exactly the colour of the deep purple crocuses!
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moreRotary International are "this close" to eradicating polio worldwide. We are proud of our efforts to help raise awareness and funds for this important cause.
moreAfter three years absence the Village Fair made a welcome return to Teddington this summer thanks to our club in partnership with the Teddington Society.
morePeace is a cornerstone of our global mission. We stand with the people of Ukraine. Help us support the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
moreOur club is looking for new members to join us in our efforts to help where help is needed, in our local community, nationally or internationally.
moreThe new Rotary Fair on Twickenham Green organised by Twickenham upon Thames Rotary Club was a great success and gave us the opportunity to get the Fruit Machine out for an airing.
moreMake direct donations to our charity account here.