Sorry but due to the Coronavirus we have had to cancel this years Dragon Boat Challenge
On Saturday 23rd May 2020
Ashford Rotary Club is holding its 2nd Dragon Boat Challenge Event at Conningbrook Lakes, Ashford.
Over £19,500 was raised for local charities and good causes at the first event in 2019. That was a fantastic result, but we want to do better in 2020.
As well as raising money, the event is also about having fun. And there’s plenty of that to be had – just ask those who took part in 2019. Their smiles and laughter said it all. Over 1,00 people, young and not so young, had a great day out.
So, here’s another chance to raise money for your favourite charity, your school, your club or your charitable organisation.
Are you adventurous and brave enough to face the challenge, and to try something different to make a difference?
You are invited to form a team to race other teams and raise money in the process.
There will be thrills and spills. You will probably (well, more than likely) get wet. It will be exciting and testing. It will be team building. It will be an entertaining day out for you, your family and friends.
Get together with your family, friends and work colleagues to make up a team. Share an experience like no other.
Come on - beat the drum for those who deserve your support.
Each team should be made up of 17 people (16 on the paddles and 1 beating a drum to synchronise strokes). It is recommended that teams have 2 or 3 reserves in case of fatigue or injury. The minimum age for participants is 14 years. Teams can be all male, all female or of mixed gender.
Whilst it will be a fun filled event, its primary aim is to raise money for charities and other good causes. So it is expected that team members will obtain sponsors.
Team members are at liberty to champion individual organisations, but it is usual for each team to select just one so that it may receive a significant amount. Alternatively, teams may wish to raise money for Ashford Rotary Club for use in supporting local charities and good causes.
The event will be managed by a professional company (Dragon Boat Events Ltd) who will supply all the equipment including life preservers. They will brief teams on all aspects of safety, and handling and racing the boats. There will be safety craft on the lake. The company will provide someone at the helm of each boat. The safety of participants is the top priority.
Each team is guaranteed at least 3 races. These will be timed and the fastest teams will go forward to the knockout stage and on to the final. A trophy will be presented to the winners.
It is common at such events that teams dress in some sort of costume or apparel. This not only makes it easier to identify teams and their charity or organisation but also plays a part in building team spirit. It’s another bit of fun too. There is a prize for the team judged to have the “best” attire.
It is no surprise that such an event costs money to organise and run. It is usual with such events to ask participants to offset those costs. So we are asking each team member (including reserves) to pay a fee of £25, which really is not much to ask for a full day’s thrills and entertainment.
If teams are mainly formed of workmates it is not uncommon for their employer to pay the entrance fees, after all, the event is a real team building opportunity. So speak to your boss.
If you are up for the challenge please let us know as soon as possible. We realise that May seems a long way away but there is a restriction on the number of teams that can take part. The sooner you register the better. Once we have your details we will contact you and complete the paperwork and reserve you a place.
So get started. Raise a team. Get loads of sponsors. We look forward to hearing from you.
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