Defibrillators for Medway

A Project by The Rotary Club of Medway

The purpose of this Project is to establish 24/7 access to Defibrillators providing full coverage within the Medway Council Authority boundaries.  It is an opportunity for the Rotary Clubs in Medway to work together, initially with a 3 year commitment reviewed in 2021, in partnership with Medway First Responders.  

The Rotary Club of Medway will take the lead and coordinate with Rotary Clubs' representatives the developing action and funding requirements on the basis that:

  • Partnerships will be established with local businesses
  • Support will be considered to engage local councillors to identify Ward Funds or Members of Parliament to support options in their constituency
  • Appropriate use will be made of Kent Fire Service available free defibrillators

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Halpern Conservatory Building in Rochester illuminated in purple to signify World Polio Day


Creating lifetime memories for families with a terminally ill child


A Project by The Rotary Club of Medway


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