Latest Club News

Find out what we have been doing lately

It has been a busy year with more community, social and fund raising events. 

Find out more by clicking on any of the links below:

Latest litter pick

World Tai Chi day

Candles for Ukraine

Unwanted Specs








'What We Do' Main Pages:

What our members got up to in 2024

More litter picking

Find out what we have been doing lately


We participate in a variety of community events each year.


Alongside our Santa float and money we raise through our fun casinos and race nights, we hold stand alone fundraisers for various charities.


We have a very active social life as a club, with a great mixture of events, some being just for grown ups and others where our younger family members are welcome.


We can offer fun casinos and race nights for corporate events, weddings, special occasions and fund raisers.


Since 1985 Rotary's key humanitarian priority has been to rid the world of polio.


Around the world Rotary runs a number of Youth Programmes.


We have supported many International causes over the years, including ShelterBox, Literacy in a Box and Lend with Care.


Once or twice a year our normal meeting venue host large events, so we suggest you get in touch before you come along to a meeting, so we can let you know of any changes to our normal day or time.
