We were delighted to have Rotarian Gloria Barnett (The Weird Fish Lady) as part of our environmental information pages on Rotary South East's website.
Her monthly ‘blog’ page was hosted here - and Gloria welcomed comments from readers (see below).
She has now suspended her Blog but the pages and comments are still no less relevant
Gloria’s Blog this month rightly further highlights the issue of Global Warming which is so much in evidence by the world wide disasters we are currently witnessing. These events are really brought home to us when it directly impacts on someone we know. Even with Gloria’s knowledge and understanding in what we are doing to our planet recent events have really shocked her.
This month Gloria focusses on Climate Change and what we can all individually do to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions and stop the current spate of climate driven global catastrophes. She gives some good advice in respect of Solar Panels. storage batteries and the associated benefit of Electric Cars should you be in the fortunate position to be able to afford one at this time.
Do you remember the olden days – when people were scared to speak out and state clearly that climate change was real and was caused by human activity? In this months blog Gloria shares some exciting news…..
Gloria highlights that we have a top level champion for the Environment in our new King plus catching up on the Environmental good news including the positive news on Green Power Growth
Read Gloria's full article
Glorias post gives us colour coded good and bad news. These include easy ways to connect children to nature, concerns over the industrial farming of octopus and some ideas from EthicalConsumer.org
This month Gloria looks back at the great storm of 1953, the cause and the consequences along with the parallels and what we might learn from the all too familiar named storms we are seeing today
This month Gloria looks at the UK’s efforts to address biodiversity and a more in-depth look at the UK’s green economy.
January 2023
Nature is not just about watching television programmes on cute creatures in the wild. Take a moment to think about the importance of nature.
Do we put nature first - or do we just stand by and watch as natural habitats are converted to urban use?
COP27 meeting has come and gone In case you weren’t keeping
up with the news I will attempt to summarise the outcomes in the next few
in her Blog this month Gloria poses a few questions to debate further…
‘Is climate change at the top of the agenda in the UK?’ Do you believe that climate change should be much higher up the agenda for our country.
Read Glorias full article:Blue Sky Thinking -a time for reflection
Breathe in the warm air, feel the sun on your face, relax and remember we live on the most wonderful planet, in an enormous universe and you and I share life…
This month’s blog is being written from my chair
on the side deck of the beautiful Cunard
ship ‘Queen Elizabeth’, floating in the waters of the Mediterranean....Reflections and discusion points
I’m crossing from Southampton to New York giving ‘ocean’ lectures on Queen Mary 2 –
Read more of Gloria’s blog from the mid-Atlantic – well 871 miles from Southampton anyway.
HOT NEWS! some of the latest scientific developments from around the world, which are helping to solve the problems we face. … there is so much to report this month
Please read Gloria’s full article
This month I've listed things that need to be done to help ‘save the life on this planet.’. There are scientists and volunteers working together around the world and what is happening in our wonderful world – right NOW! This Month I’m going to give you some details of what Rotarians are doing around the world.
No doom and gloom here folks – check out some of the science which is increasingly changing our world for the better. I firmly believe we are heading for a better future and I’d love it if you could share the idea too.
Weather pattern or Climate change what’s the difference?
In this month’s blog, Gloria explores the difference
"Positivity is an essential tool in our climate change tool bag. It will keep us working towards solving our climate change problems and it doesn’t take one person doing it perfectly to create change either. Many people trying imperfectly can create the change we need. Just go out, join in and do what you can"
"I’m firmly convinced that once we ALL start to think about our actions – then it will become a rolling program as the character of the human race is to be competitive and no-one likes to be left behind"
Read Gloria's full article
Last month I wrote a pre-COP 26 blog – explaining what we might expect to happen in Glasgow in November 2021. Now it’s Kme to have a post COP 26 blog and see how much further forward we are in the fight against climate change
COP 26 - Just a few days away
Read Gloria's full articleIf the UK is to achieve a zero-carbon target then British people need to both change the systems we use, and our thinking towards a greener, more sustainable world. Governments can take a lead in all of this and help everyone make the necessary changes to our lives, reducing our energy needs, improving transport choice and taking all fossil fuels out of our lives.
Read Gloria's full articleWhy Should I Be The First To Change?
In Europe, August recorded the highest temperatures ever – with a maximum temperature of 48º in Sicily and we saw images of red swathes of high temperatures across the whole continent. Wild fires are not just in Australia, Canada and the western USA – they are in Greece and Turkey and on our doorstep now. We have to change the unsustainable way humans are living by reducing carbon emissions – all of us.
Measure Your Carbon Footprint! Take The Pledge!
Net Zero, or carbon-neutral, refers to achieving a balance between carbon emissions produced from our energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. We can accomplish this by reducing our emissions (carbon footprint) and removing carbon dioxide through mitigation projects, such as planting trees, building gardens with native plants, recycle or conserving biodiversity.
The problem with plastic in the oceans
When plastic was first invented it was seen as a wonder product and useful for everything - but nobody was thinking about the future of these ‘wonderful products’ and what would happen when they became obsolete. Plastic use took over from common-sense - and the land-fills began to take the strain of unwanted plastic. Only 9% of all the plastic ever created has been recycled.
Do you think you know what "Climate Change" means?
Whenever people talk about climate change, they speak as if the Planet is going to be catastrophically changed. However, this is not the case. The Earth has existed for over 4.6 billion years (that’s a very long time) and over that time the Earth has already changed many times – even at one time being called Snowball Earth – as it was a frozen planet. But Earth, the planet, always survives the different shades of green or blue or white – and all it takes is time to change its face.
• Gloria Barnet is a member of the Rotary Club of Canterbury Sunrise. She's also an author, speaker, educator and champion for the ocean environment
(Main Photo by Giorgia Doglioni on Unsplash)
back Rotary members are tackling environmental issues the way they always do: coming up with projects, using their connections to change policy and planning for the future.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
12th August saw members enjoying a convivial evening after President Alan Jose showed us round the Charing Crematorium.
moreCharity Concert success as 3 top musicians entertain an excited audience in Ashford's St Mary Church
moreBryan Gipps, Director of Music, St Mary’s Church, Ashford, is presented with a cheque by Sue Brown from London Beach Hotel Tenterden, with Rotary President, Alan Jose. This donation will go towards the Church Organ Restoration Fund.
moreThe Rotary Club of Ashford's Community Shelter at Conningbrook Lakes Country Park was opened today.
moreOn Monday 10th January, following a frugal supper, PP Kitty Brook, her granddaughter, Kristina, and Kristina's partner, Akeem, gave a talk on 'Malcolm's Soup Kitchen'.
moreOn Sunday 26th June we ran a Charity Cream Tea Party for around 100 people in aid of President Liz's chosen Charities -'Canine Helpers' and 'Kent MS Therapy Centre'. Thanks to all who helped make it a memorable afternoon.
moreMcArthurGlen Management teams up with the Rotary Club of Ashford to raffle prizes freely donated by many retailers at the Outlet Centre.
moreWe were delighted on Monday night with a talk by 12 year old Lilia who explained the meanings of Ichimatsu Ningyo, Hina Ningyo, Daruma Ningyo, Kokeshi Ningyo and Gosho Ningyo; various forms of Japanese Doll.
moreSophie's entry, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ashford, took first place at National level in the Rotary Young Photographer Competition.
moreThe Object Of Rotary
moreInternational Committee
moreClub Policies & Health & Safety