Rotary Foundation UK

The Rotary Foundation UK transforms the voluntary donations given by Clubs into service projects that change lives locally, nationally, and internationally.

Individual Club members donate funds each year to the Rotary Foundation UK. This is Rotary's Charity in the UK

There are two types of Foundation Grants available - Global and District Grants.

As a result of the War in Ukraine in 2022, the Rotary Foundation has made grants available to Rotary Districts to provide humanitarian relief. So far, Abergavenny Rotary Club has secured grants to fund weekly coffee mornings at the Abergavenny Community Centre in Park Street, for Ukraine Sponsor families and Guest families, which commenced on Thursday 7th July 2022 and will continue in the months ahead. Without Rotary support these meetings would not have been possible. Abergavenny Rotary Club is also funding the costs of running the Ukraine Independence Day celebrations in the Abergavenny Community Centre on 24th August 2022, and will be reclaiming this back from the Foundation Disaster Response Grant.

End Polio Now - The Rotary Foundation started working to eradicate Polio in 1985, it was adopted by the World Health Organisation in 1988 and the UNICEF Global Polio Eradication and the US Centres for Disease Control followed on. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation support Rotary with $2 for every $1 donated by Rotary, up to $50 million per year. Cases due to wild poliovirus have decreased by over 99% since 1988 from and estimated 350,000 case then to 140 reported cases in 2020.

"Rotary Foundation - 100 years of doing good in the world"

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Purple for Polio Crocuses in full bloom on the Waitrose Roundabout this March 2023.


The Rotary Foundation UK transforms the voluntary donations given by Clubs into service projects that change lives locally, nationally, and internationally.


This page provides details of the Club's Strategic Priorities.


The Rotary Abergavenny Calendar 2024 Goes on Sale October 2023


A range of activities organised by the Rotary Club for the benefit of young people


Outline of the work done by the Membership and Social Committee.


Outline of the work done by the Community and Vocation Committee.


Rotary Club support for international projects.


The Annual Steam Rally returned on 3rd and 4th June 2022 after a break of three years due to lockdown. The Rally is the main source of funds for the Rotary Club to donate to worthy causes via it's Charity the Abergavenny Rotary CIO.
