Our donation was to provide modular housing and/or a weekly meal (1,000 meals for £200) for the at risk families looked after by this excellent charity.
The Winnie Mabaso Foundation is enormously proud of Ilamula House, a home for vulnerable, abused and orphaned girls in Mid Ennerdale, which opened in September 2014. Our home has a fantastic team of experienced and highly qualified care workers who ensure our children are well looked after on every level.
The Winnie Mabaso Foundation was established to support vulnerable and orphaned children in South Africa, particularly those living with HIV/AIDS.
Please visit their website for more details The Winnie Mabaso Foundation
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Breakdown of the monies raised and expended in 2023 to 2024
moreAN EXHIBITION OF LEGO MODELS including Sale of LEGO Sets, Parts & Accessories plus competitions for 3 age groups
more£500 was donated to this deserving organisation which arranges sports activities for disabled members
more"End Polio Now" has received a welcome boost from donations from other Rotary Clubs who have booked our own member, Tony Bell, to speak on the Hubble telescope.
moreLtoR: Gill Redfern of Glossop Rotary Club delivering the PPE for St. Christopher's Trust and Blythe House Hospice
morePam Joyce of Disaster Aid UK receives a cheque for £2,700 from President Gill. This was the proceeds of our collections, personal donations and our club donation.
moreGlossop Rotary Club have collected over 360 pairs of shoes towards our District Shoe Aid campaign.
moreWe have donated £1,000 to Disaster Aid UK & Ireland and £1,000 to The Rotary Disaster Recovery Trust
moreGlossop Rotary Club has made a small contribution towards the new defibrillator installation at the Pilates Studio in Glossop
moreOur club was founded in Glossop in 1938.
moreGlossop Rotary Club together Glossop Inner Wheel joined Warrington Rotary Club's "Stop Hunger Now" initiative to help provide 100,000 meals to Nairobi.