About Us

Some of Millom Rotary Club's successes.

Millom Rotary Club has had and continues to have some outstanding successes. Here are just a few of them from recent years (click on the linked sites which are in italics).
Click on the picture above to see the donation to the Millom Relief Fund.
In conjunction with donations from other local Rotary Clubs and a grant from Bees for Development the Millom Club has sent £2500 to fund two honey processing centres in Ethiopia.
Millom Rotary Club supported the local Blood Bikes organisation.
In recent years we have raised over £20,000, all of which has gone to local, national and international charities.
Millom First Responders received two defibrillators and the supporting first aid kit.
We bought and installed the ‘Welcome to Millom’ signs.
The Club commissioned and installed the planters on Millom Railway Station and the Rotary Club paid for a springboard for Millom Leisure Centre.
Millom Rotary have worked with Millom School on a number of national initiatives such as theYoung Chef Competition, the Young Photographer Competition and the Technology Tournament - each of which pits the school against other schools in the area. Some years ago we began the Rotakids Club at St.James' Primary school and still work closely with Mrs.Nicholas and the pupils.
We enabled the Life Education Caravan project to visit all Millom primary schools. Internationally we have provided educational books for India and Africa courtesy of CGP and given financial support to The Gurkha Trust and Mercy Ships.
For many years we have continued with the collection of used spectacles for Vision Aid. These glasses are refurbished and sent overseas.
The Club has purchased wheelchairs for the Wheelchair Foundation for use in India and Africa, bought Shelter Boxes to use in disaster areas across the world, and provided funding for the erection of a toilet block in a school in rural Africa. All of these are in addition to providing financial funding and assisting with the Rotary International appeal for the eradication of Polio.


    Every single penny we raise goes directly to the charities we choose - there are no expenses deducted. Millom Rotary Club is part of a world-wide organisation. We are a member of   District 1190  (which covers the North West of England), Rotary GB&I (Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland) and RI (Rotary International). There are 53,000 Rotarians in Great Britain and Ireland in 1,850 clubs and a total of 1.2 million members operating in 200 countries. Millom Rotarians are warmly welcomed when they visit any other Rotary Club in the world.


    Millom Rotary Club was formed in 1950 and has both men and women members. The Club meets at Trackside, Millom for a meal followed by a speaker or a discussion. Other meetings take place both at Trackside and at other venues where light refreshments are served. Members can choose which meetings they attend. We have occasional social functions during the year and invite our partners, friends, guests, other Rotarians and members of Millom Inner Wheel Club.  


    'What We Do' Main Pages:

    Presentations by the Club

    The Club has supported a number of local organisations


    Look back at earlier photographs

    Miner - Millom town square

    Images from Millom

    Millom Rotary Club's Leaflet

    Read, download and distribute the Club's Leaflet.


    Some of Millom Rotary Club's successes.

    Zoom Meetings

    The Club met using Zoom during the Lock-Down period.


    Items of on-going and past club news.


    The History of Millom Rotary Club


    Click to read the Millomarian - the magazine for the Rotary Club of Millom.


    An explanation of what Rotary is and does.


    Foundation Committee


    International Committee

    Community & Vocational

    Community & Vocational Committee

    Club Service

    Millom Rotary Club's own committee.

    New Generations

    New Generations Committee
