19 August 2014: Member Bernard Davies gave a short PP presentation of his exciting afternoon at RAF Coningsby, the base for The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.which includes the one airworthy Lancaster in the UK. Bernard was privileged in being invited by Pilot Flt.Lt Roger Nicholls to inspect the inside of this legendary aircraft.
Here below are a few pictures taken of this memorable experience.
Lancaster PA 474 "Thumper"
Pilot Roger Nicholls and Bernard ready to go aboard
Bomb doors open Bernard as "Tailend Charlie"
The Radio Ops position
. Thumbs up for a successful mission
Bernard "at the controls"
On the same evening, we were visited by Ashley Tevault, from Colorado USA. A former Ambassadorial Scholar amd now an Honorary Rotarian. She will be joining he Peace Corps in West Africa.
Here she is
Another visitor from USA that same evening. Louisa Dykstra
9th September
Our speaker was Stevie Jepson Distrct Commissioner for Wilmslow Guides
In her presentation on the ctivities of the Guides movement.she included that being a member of the Guides in her earlier years had improved her job opportunities and recommended others to become members.
Pictured below with Rotary VIce President Kevin Kelly
Left, is Claire, also in the Guides,Carol Parry a Rotarian visitor fron RC of LLangollen and on the right, Stevie Jepson
. ***
District Governor Alastair Bain (Left) and our speaker for the meeting Business Development Manager Paul Whittaker from Big Storage Group were with us on 23rd September.
In recognition of assistance by Big Store with our Rota-Toy campaign, Paul was presented with a Community Service Award by President Ian Bradley (right).
In thanking the club for this award, Paul commented that he hoped that the branch .
could work alongside the Wilmslow Dean Rotary Club and be of further help in the future.
.28th October
Speakers tonight were Crystel Berridge and Anne Dawson from Hampers of Hope.
Hampers of Hope is a Christian charity with the aim of relieving poverty and restoring hope in North East Cheshire. Since 2011, it has helped local people through the work of its foodbank, money management courses, job clubs and Hope Centres. For more information about Hampers of Hope call 0800 1114986.
On the 2nd. December our speaker was Paul Hammersley.
Co-ordinator for the Charity " World Child Cancer",
working to improve the cancer treatment for childen
living .in the low and middle income countries in the world.
20th January 2015. Dr. Rachael Talbot a practicing chiropractor, talked to us about her profession and the many benefits that can be achieved for the relief of pain by the modern treatments to the spine.
Here pictured with President Ian Bradley with her replica spine
24th February 2015 We were visited this evening by Diane Smith,
Town Manager for Cheshire East Council.
.Pictured above with President Ian Bradley, Dianne reviewed her work in Wilmslow since 1988 and spoke of the business and cultural changes now influencing the vitality of all town centres.
24th. March 2015
Our speaker this evening was Optometrist Ian Ashworth,
pictured above with President Ian Bradley.
Ian talked about his visit with a group of medical people to an orphanage near
Eldoret, in Kenya.
Known as "Open Arms Village".Tthis is a safe fanily environment for100 children.
most of whom have been orphaned,abandoned or removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse.
During the group's charity work in Kenya, Ian provided 600 pairs of glasses to people from a nearby slum.
Ian was presented with a cheque from the Rotary Club of Wilmslow Dean ,
as a donation to this worthy charity.
April 14th 2015
Today's speaker was Lee Burke,
Business Development Co-ordinator from Pettypool Trust.
Pictured below (Left) with Rotarian Vice President Kevin Kelly.
Lee gave members a splendid presentation on the Pettypool College which in partnership with The South Cheshire College offers a wide range of Entry Level Courses
to students from Cheshire, Warrington and Halton.
The Pettypool Outdoor Centre offers tailor made team building experiences
to Schools, Colleges and Businesses.
28th April 2015
On this evening there was a double occasion.
Firstly, we had the pleasure to welcome Bill Shenton, a Founder Member of
The Rotary Club of Handforth and Heald Green now renamed Wilmslow Dean.
Bill was presented with a Community Service Award for his valuable service and support to the Rotary Club albeit having left the club due to business reasons.
Here he is alomgside other Founder Members, (left to right) Dudley Ashworth
and Peter Mayall.
And one with President Ian Bradley
Second. On the same evening. our speaker was John Granger
John entertained us with facinating stories of the various jobs he held during his busy life,
culminating with his position as Market Manager Stockport.
John Grainger with President Ian.
At our meeting on 28th July
President Kevin Kelly Welcomes our guest Mark Susca from Cheshire Search and Rescue.
Mark gave us a detailed presentation of the work of this splendid volunteer group, with a slide show.
Mark brought with him a selection of the equipment the group uses.
Our visitors here are two Rotary Ambassadorial Students from Manchester University.
Kasia Chaberska from USA 2nd left
Mai Kataoka from Japan 3rd left.
With them to receive a donation for Handforth Community War Memorial Founation
Councillor David Pincomb ,left and Dr. Roger Small far right
Here Councillor David Pincombe receives a cheque for
The Handforth Community War Memorial Foundation
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Membership Services looks after the Club and its membership. It organises a number of Club activities such as the Club's Charter Night.
moreMember's Birthday Celebrations, Club Awards, etc
moreYou can donate money to us via this page (through CAF Donate)
moreRemembrance Sunday is remembered each year at the Remembrance Garden in Wilmslow
moreDetails and/or photos of a selection of past events and activities.
moreWe don't always spend our time at the Deanwater Hotel. Here are some of our other events.
moreA summary of events and activities in the Rotary Year 2020/21
moreSpeakers and other Visitors to the Club
moreA record of President's Night and Handover
moreThis page includes photos of some of the speakers who have given us such pleasure during the year.
moreRotary at the Wilmslow Show
moreThe Wilmslow Swimathon is running annually (normally in the Spring-time) which enables schools, charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, individuals, etc to raise funds for their or other charities by doing lots of swimming in one hour.
moreAnnual Burns Night Dinners
moreOur annual Wine Tasting
moreThe Club Float is used at many of our public appearances.
moreEach year we organise trips on the Mary Sunley for residents of local care homes