Santa visited Dingwall and Conon Bridge in the days leading up to Christmas.
This event is organised by the MEMBERS OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF DINGWALL. All of the donations that we collect will be deposited in the Club's charity account. Although our main aim is to provide that magic moment for the little ones when Santa stops iat fixed locations in their village or town to wave and say hello, we are also grateful for any donations we receive. Rest assured that the money you donate will be used throughout the year for very many good local causes, including activities and requests from the children and young people within our area.
Regrettably we were unable to tour the streets this year, but for Conon Bridge, we were at the village car park and for upper Conon, we were at the Co-op car park.
The change this year was unavoidable, but we loved seeing the excitement and joy when the children came along to talk to Santa. A big thank you to the parents and other relatives who brought them along and queued in the cold.
We visited a number of sites in Dingwall too, including at Tesco forecourt, and the reception everywhere was as well recived as in Conon.
In addition, various nurseries and schools also requested Santa's presence and for anyone wanting a Samta for christmas cheer and present distribution in 2025, just get in touch.
Courtesy of the Rotary Club, Santa also visited the Young Carer's Christmas party at the Ice rink.
Dingwall Rotarians would like also to extend our gratateful thanks to the Conon Bridge Co-op store manager for arranging our pitch at the car park, to Tesco Dingwall management for the tins of sweets and allowing us to use their forecourt. Lidl management invited us to use their car park too, but on the day the weather was so horrendous that we were unable to attand,but we were grateful for their offer of help.
We are extremely grateful for your donation each evening and we collected nearly £900 for our charity. Every penny will be used for local good causes, mostly for the young people of the area.
From the Dingwall Rotarians to everyone in our area, all the very best for 2025.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Annual events include social evenings, conferences, donation evenings etc.
moreA training centre built with the help of the Dingwall Rotarians who have contributed £4000 to the project and have sourced tools for use. Dingwall Rotarians also helping to alleviate the effects of famine.
morePupils from years four to six have the opportunity to see what interviews will be like when they leave school.
moreA competition for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. They are required to produce a photograph on the theme of 'REBUILDING'. L'.
moreORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN THE COMMUNITY This page explains how to contact us if you need our assistance.
moreWe raise money each year via the Wade Walk, the sleigh and other events. The money is dispersed among local and national Charities.