Charitable Donations

We raise money each year via the Wade Walk, the sleigh and other events. The money is dispersed among local and national Charities.

A few of the Charities that have benefited since 2000 are:

Crossroads Care  £2500       Maggie's Highland   £7500   

Macmillan Nurses  £13000    Marie Curie               £2500   

Children First         £5000      Children's Hospice   £5300

Ross Memorial Hospital  £1000     BHF Raigmore  £4500    

ARCHIE Inverness & Aberdeen £1500 RNLI, (Local stations)                                                                                          £500

Highland Young Carers £2500.There are many more, including Highland Hospice, Dingwall Food Bank.

If you would like to know more, or if you would like to be part of this great organisation, click on the contact name on this page.

Childline Scotland           £1500               Childrens Bereavement Svc        £1500

Local Alzheimers Group £3500               Highland Blind Society                 £1500

Highland Hospice            £8000               Shop Mobility Highland                £2500

Since 1995  we have distributed more than £200,000 to these and many other organisations and individuals.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We raise money each year via the Wade Walk, the sleigh and other events. The money is dispersed among local and national Charities.

From small acorns, largew oak trees grow.

Since 1954 we have provided support for our local community in many ways.

A 'Pandemically' Silent High Street.  (taken at 11am)

How Rotary in Dingwall has managed the Covid-19 restrictions


Annual events include social evenings, conferences, donation evenings etc.

Malawi  Village Training School

A training centre built with the help of the Dingwall Rotarians who have contributed £4000 to the project and have sourced tools for use. Dingwall Rotarians also helping to alleviate the effects of famine.


Pupils from years four to six have the opportunity to see what interviews will be like when they leave school.

Dingwall from across the Water at Ferry Point

Some photos of Dingwall Area

Cromarty Lighthouse was photographed for last year's competition by Seth Walters age 11 , a pupil at Resolis Primary School. Seth used a Samsung mobile phone camera to record this image.

A competition for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. They are required to produce a photograph on the theme of 'REBUILDING'. L'.

Merry Christmas Everyone

Santa accepted our invitation to visit Dingwall and Conon Bridge in the run-up to Christmas.


ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN THE COMMUNITY This page explains how to contact us if you need our assistance.
