The Dingwall Rotarians are ready to provide help wherever it is needed. We can often assist both locally and internationally whenever the need arises.
We will listen to any request from Organosations, Groups and Individuals. You may need hands-on assistance such as a loan of market style stalls, help with event car parking or marshalling at an event.
Perhaps you need personal assistance or you know someone who has a special need, either in a practical or in a financial way.
If you need our help in any way please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact form. The link to the form can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of this 'What We Do' page.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN THE COMMUNITY This page explains how to contact us if you need our assistance.
moreWe raise money each year via the Wade Walk, the sleigh and other events. The money is dispersed among local and national Charities.
moreAnnual events include social evenings, conferences, donation evenings etc.
moreA training centre built with the help of the Dingwall Rotarians who have contributed £4000 to the project and have sourced tools for use. Dingwall Rotarians also helping to alleviate the effects of famine.
morePupils from years four to six have the opportunity to see what interviews will be like when they leave school.
moreA competition for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. They are required to produce a photograph on the theme of 'REBUILDING'. L'.