How Rotary in Dingwall has managed the Covid-19 restrictions

A 'Pandemically' Silent High Street.  (taken at 11am)

The pandemic restrictions have affected everyone across all walks of life, not least the Rotary Club of Dingwall. Our usual routine meetings have not taken place since March 2020. We have not been able therefore to raise funds for any local or national deserving causes. But the needs of the many charitable organisations have not changed, indeed for many, they have increased. This image of Dingwall High Street was taken at 1100 am in June at the height of the lockdown. It ilustrates just how the pandemic had dramatically affected footfall in the street and how the lack of people will have seriously undermined the activities of charities and service organisations in our area.

Dingwall Rotarians have risen to the challenge and even though we cannot meet as a group, we have supported a number of worthy causes during the pandemic. Dingwall Rotarians have made personal donations to the total of £13805 to those needing our encouragement and financial help. The charities benefiting are:

Connecting Young Carers Highland£2890. Many young carers have found it difficult to survive without the necesary physical and financial support that they had received before the pandemic took hold. The Connecting Young Carers Charity is looking after their interests, but for that they need money. They also have more than 400 young carers registered with them over the whole of the Highland Council area and they only have a staff of three!! The age of the carers ranges from 8 to 24. We have promised that when we can, we will provide other types of support. We can offer career information, CV construction, mock Interviews etc.  

Highland Food Bank (Dingwall), £6500.  During the pandemic the supply of food donations dropped dramatically. Our donations over the months helped the organisers to maintain stock levels.

Highland Hospice, £3655, Their needs, with or without Covid, are ever present.

Children's Hospice Assoc. Scotland, £760.  It has been difficult for CHAS to fund their organisation during the pandemic. However, the hospices and outreach units have to be operated, staffed and maintained regardless.

In addition we have donated from our charity fund to local, national and international charities such as:

Beirut Explosion, £650. The utter devastation caused by the explosion at the port area in August 2020 will take a great deal of money, resources  and effort to remedy. The Beirut Rotary Club are working hard to supply much needed domestic supplies as well as helping to rebuild homes and schools. Rotary District 1010 (Scotland North) have donated more than £20,000 to their cause. The money has come from the individual donations given by the 89 Clubs in the District. 

Sight Savers International, £250. This is a Rotary charity that helps those in disadvantaged areas of the world to have life changing eye operations of many kinds.

Local Beneficiaries, £500.  In addition to the larger charities, there are many individuals and families who need help and the pandemic hasn't halted that need.

Shoeboxes   We were unable to deliver our collection of boxes that were to be sent to Eastern Europe for Easter. The club had filled approx. 70 boxes for delivery. However, we also filled 74 boxes in anticipation of a Christmas delivery and Rotary GB & I made the delivery in time. We combined our two collections and forwarded the boxes to the Rotary collection point as one bulk load. In total, therefore, we forwarded 144 boxes all destined for deprived areas in Eastern Europe. 

We will continue to do what we can to ease the stress that the pandemic is causing to anyone in need. If you need the help of the Dingwall Rotary Club during this time , contact the named person listed on this page.

Frank HallettContact Frank Hallett about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We raise money each year via the Wade Walk, the sleigh and other events. The money is dispersed among local and national Charities.

From small acorns, largew oak trees grow.

Since 1954 we have provided support for our local community in many ways.

A 'Pandemically' Silent High Street.  (taken at 11am)

How Rotary in Dingwall has managed the Covid-19 restrictions


Annual events include social evenings, conferences, donation evenings etc.

Malawi  Village Training School

A training centre built with the help of the Dingwall Rotarians who have contributed £4000 to the project and have sourced tools for use. Dingwall Rotarians also helping to alleviate the effects of famine.


Pupils from years four to six have the opportunity to see what interviews will be like when they leave school.

Dingwall from across the Water at Ferry Point

Some photos of Dingwall Area

Cromarty Lighthouse was photographed for last year's competition by Seth Walters age 11 , a pupil at Resolis Primary School. Seth used a Samsung mobile phone camera to record this image.

A competition for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. They are required to produce a photograph on the theme of 'REBUILDING'. L'.

Merry Christmas Everyone

Santa accepted our invitation to visit Dingwall and Conon Bridge in the run-up to Christmas.


ORDINARY PEOPLE DOING EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN THE COMMUNITY This page explains how to contact us if you need our assistance.
