On 24th February 2019, in the afternoon, in the superb Hall at St Catherine's School in Bramley, 12 talented young instrumentalists played stunningly to an appreciative audience and two Adjudicators. The standard of playng and presentation was outstanding and it was with great difficulty that the Adjudicators decided on a Runner-up, and awarded joint First place to a pianist and a flautist. They go throuigh to the Regioal Final in early April.
A competition was held in the morning for the Vocalists section, with the same stunning standard of performance. The winner and the Runner-up will also compete at the Regional Final in early April.
It was a challenging event, with teams competing amongst themselves as well as against other teams in their category. Much fun, and also some hard work. Funds were raised for our two local major Charities, the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and the Kent Surrey and Sussex Ambullance Service, with other small local chairites also able to raise funds for themselves under the umbrella of Rotary.
For full details please visit www.cyclathon-rotarygodalming.co.uk
Our President and President Elect, listen carefully
The retiring President, Heather Pollard kindly hosted an afternoon tea party in her garden, enjoyed by Members, their spouses and some friends. Thank you Heather and Derek for your hospitality.
Heather also inducted a new Member, Graham Kimber. Welcome Graham.
This is our biggest Service Commitment to the local ciommunity although there are several other local projects too. We now help in two different shops, have a regualr gardening session, help ar fetes and fundraisers, iformall befriend the residents, take music of various kinds to them, and generally help to raise the profile.
We joined with Godalming Woolsack Club to steward this now annual event in the heart of Godalming. Fun for all and a great way to promote what Rotary does.
A very succesful event and an excellent Speaker, Roger White. More details to follow when we have information about our application for a Global Grant
on Sunday 27th May when "Cryin' Out Loud" entertained one and all. The weather was very suny and dry !
which is very pertinent to the End Poilio Now Campaign. Have YOU seen it?
Our Club collected funds before Christmas for Hydon Hill Cheshire Home and the Dan Eley Foundation, thanks to the generosity of Waitrose for donating the space on their forecourt. The Hydon Hill element has been put towards the purchase of a Wood Chipper for their use in the wooded gardens, kindly assisted by some funds from Godalming Woolsack. Thak you Com/Voc committee for organising it.
Guildford Chantries Rotary Club hosted a Burns Night at the Wilfrid Noyce Centre in Godalming and nine of our Club Members attended, together with their spouses. The food was delicious, the Piper excellent, the address to the haggis was incomprehensible for most of us ! and the poetry of Robert Burns similarly so ! However, we thoroughly enoyed ourselves, all wearing our at least token nod towards the tartan, and some happy ceilidh dancing to the music of an excellent band completed the evening.
Early in January we welcomed Ian Kent as a new Member. Ian had been attending several lunch and breakfast meetings i late 2017, and could no longer resist the urge to become a Rotarian ! Ian joins our Community and Vocational team and will be a valued Member.
West Surrey Golf Club prepared and served a delicious Christmas lunch on a Saturday in December. Many Members attended with their spouses, and we were delighted to welcome some widows of past Members. A raffle raised some funds, and table quizzes stimulated some excitable conversations !
Breakfast Members joined together early on a chilly December Friday at a warm and welcoming Hectors on the Wey for Peter Hectors great british breakfast. Cheers !
Heather Pollard particpated in the Godalming Remembrance Sunday Parade, alongside the Woolsack President Joani Custance. They laid wreaths at the Godalming War Memorial to signify our remembrance and gratitude for thos who have died in wars, and to protect us from harm.
On 3rd November many Rotarians helped with the Stewarding and torch lighting and parade duties, to make a really enjoyable evening, safer, happier and cost effective for ticket purchasers.
Our two Presidents helped lead the parade, together with the Deputy Town Mayor.
Led very ably by Rtn Clive Graham and a good team, each with their own element to organise, this joint Club venture was launched and successfully executed on 30th September 2017. To be repeated in 2018 and thereafter....
Substantial funds were raised for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, and the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance. Participating riders and the teams they represented had a fun time, and were driven by a competitive spirit and some good prizes. Our huge thanks to our sponsors, and to the Godalming Fitness Club in the High Street, who hosted the event.
On 12th September Godalming Club Members gathered at the Bowls Club where we enjoyed a delicious spread of sandowches and cakes before receiving friendly and supportive guidance from Roger Humphrey and Peter Brown, Club Presiednt and Coach, in the art of bowling. The sun came out and all enjoyed their visit. We also welcomed our newest Member, Liz Leah, who looked quite professional when she "had a go".
Club Members were out in force at Winkworth for the National Trust (free) event to promote the forthcoming Cyclathon Event on 30th September in Godalming High Street. They gacve out lots of flyers, and information on Rotary from their new branded Gazebo, purchased with the help pf a District Grant.
They collected donations despite heavy rain, and also provided a food oputlet near to the lake near the former lower car park.
We met as usual at Hectors on the Wey for a delicious Breakfast with excellent, lively company. Even though it is a "holiday month" for many we still had 18 people including Rotarians from Godalming, Godalming Woolsack, and Haslemere Clubs, plus some prospective Rotary Members. Plus naturally - wonderful Peter Hector, currently President of Guildford Chantries. Thank you Peter for always looking after us so well.
A very informative and stimulating talk from James Onions when he visited our Club. As the Golf Club were unable to host us on that day, we were also holding the meeting at Hydon Hill Cheshire Home which we support with various volunteering roles, as part of our Community Service.
It is with much pleasure that our Cub received four Members from the Oostburg Club, Zealand, Netherlands :- Will Hoefnagels, Bert Timmermans, Alexander Geyssens and Guus Jasper. In friendship, we enjoyed conversations over a good lunch.
Later Guus explained to the Club that formal large Cluib visits were becoming impractical and that a 'lighter touch' was more achievable. Indivisual relationships would always continue, as would the exchange of Newslettersd, greetings and best wishes
We sent our very cordial greetings to all Members of their Club and thanked pur visitors for coming.
Every Rotary Club across the world welcomes in on 1st July a new Club President for the year. The role is not about personalities but continuity and forward planning, delivering 'Service to Others' through community projects and up-holding Rotary values.
Thanks to past Presidents, Godalming Rotary Club is in good shape with growing membership. The incoming President Heather Pollard, promised that with care and diligence the Club would be passed on to Clive Graham, President Elect for 2018/19, in an equally positive position.
Vivien Gillman, outgoing President, recognised the outstanding and substantial contribution that Daniel Eley makes through his Foundation, to young people in Colombia and in Waverley. Godalming Rotary Club expressed their appreciation by recognising Dan as a Paul Harris Fellow.
The audience at the beginning of this concert were asked to show their
solidarity with Manchester, after the terror attack at the Ariana Grande Concert, as one community to
They responded with rousing applause, signifying that 'love makes us better people.' !
In Manchester the music plays on as it did for Godalming's Music in the Park, even if it did pour with rain!
The Salts were brilliant as was the audience, and we sold lots of cups of tea. HP.
Local community involvement helps make this sparkling event go with a bang!
Volunteers from many local Organizations including both Godalming Rotary Clubs and the Godalming District Scouts all donned Hi Vis jackets to supervise the safety of the Public as they enjoyed this extravaganza.
Music from the Movies matched a dazzling firework display. The sky was a backdrop for vivid explosive shapes that burst into millions of colours.
A comment from a young nine-year-old discerning customer - ‘That was amazing, the best firework display, ever!’
Praise indeed. Well done Rotary in Godalming.
The newly opened Wilfrid Noyce Centre proved to be an excellent venue for the evening celebration of the Anniversary of the Club’s 80th Charter (7th September 1936).
Members and spouses were joined by Members of five other local Rotary Clubs as well as the representatives of our two twin Clubs, Aire-sur-la-Lys and Oostburg. The 1930s themed evening celebrated this major milestone by presenting 1930s themed food, preceded by cider and sherry rather than the usual reception drinks. The food was cooked and served by staff who had enthusiastically thrown themselves into the spirit of the evening by dressing as Land Girls, and many of the guests attending had embraced the fun and adopted a dress code with a nod towards the decade. One Member’s spouse even came as Al Capone, complete with (toy) gun, ready to usher guests into the Hall. The ambience was complemented by a brilliant display of photographs projected onto one wall.
District Governor Frank West was an honoured guest and assisted President Vivien in cutting the birthday cake and Godalming Town Mayor Councillor David Hunter was also a very welcome guest.
The evening was completed by two inspiring people: firstly by thrilling and brilliant performances from singer Eyra Norman, who at just 16 years old stunned the audience with her clarity, power, and virtuosity. Several folk were heard to say – “you heard her here first........”
The other was a heart-rending but hugely motivational talk by Dan Eley, who has turned the tragedy of breaking his neck and being confined to a wheel chair, into an example of what you can do, if you are determined enough and if you think of others instead of yourself.
A perfect example of “Service Above Self”.
On 2nd July 2016 the Manor House Hotel in Godalming was the venue for an afternoon tea, in true “Ritz” style, complete with music brilliantly performed by a string quartet from The Royal Grammar School.
Guests included the President of the Inner Wheel, spouses of Members, the family of the outgoing President, John Reid, and a representative of The Prostate Project who received a cheque for the charity, raised by some of the Club Members undertaking a sponsored walk.
The Club’s thanks were expressed to John Reid for the excellent Rotary year just finishing, and his promotion of various activities in which the Club had participated.
John handed over the badge of office to new President, Vivien Gillman, and offered his best wishes for her forthcoming year.