Make a difference
Get involved
Give something back

Join Rotary - Get involved

Join Rotary's 1.4 million passionate individuals in 46,000+ clubs worldwide. We are both an international organization and a local community club. together we lead change in our local communities and accross the world.

Who can join?

We are looking for people who want to give back to their communities. You must be aged 18 or over to become a Rotary member.

How do I join?

If you're interested in joining Rotary there are a number of options. Involvement in Rotary is flexible, ranging from full membership to project volunteering.

There are a number of ways you can join Rotary:

Join Friends of Rotary

Join Rotary Direct

Join an existing club in your local area such as Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath

Be a Friend of Rotary and project volunteer

Anybody who has an interest in helping others, who is interested in meeting like-minded people or who wants to support Rotary activities can be a "Friend of Rotary" and be part of the voluntary work that we do in our community and worldwide.

We want to make sure your Rotary experience is the best it can be and fits around your lifestyle so we shall start by asking you to contact  our Membership Secretary, Jaime Wallden, who will chat to you to find out what form of membership is of interest to you. Contact Jaime Wallden on telephone 07866 536 277 or email:

What is Rotary Direct?    A new way of doing Rotary.

Direct membership gives individuals the chance to join Rotary as an organization, meaning you are'nt limited to just one club but instead join a much busier environment and are able to work across muliple projects.

The Rotary Direct Membership Network complements and works alongside existing clubs and embraces technology by operating in a virtual space, connecting like-minded people who share a passion for specific causes, locally, nationally and internationally.

Rotary connects people to make a positive impact in the world.

How does it work?

The Rotary Direct Membership Network is all located in a Microsoft Teams environment. This brings people together online 24/7 and allows for full flexibility when you take part in Rotary activities compared to the fixed traditional weekly meetings that face-to-face clubs have.

As a direct member, you can not only have access to the fully online environment with seminars and workshops on the Direct Membership Network, but you can also work with any Rotary club local to you on their projects.

Whether you are at home or on holiday you can contact the local club and join in on their events or attend meetings to further expand your Rotary knowledge and form more connections.

Form to join Rotary Direct. Click this link.

Join the Rotary Club of Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath.

Rotary brings together people from all walks of life. Joining a local Rotary club provides friendship, fellowship of like-minded people and, as a result of working together, provides help and support for the local community as well as helping support international projects and disasters.

Social networking - Rotary is a great way to expand your social circles, meet new people and make lasting friendships, all while having fun and making a difference.

Develop your skills - You can share your personal and vocational skills, take up leadership roles, as well as learning from fellow members on activities such as project planning, communications and service delivery.

Enhance your understanding - Events such as the annual Rotary Showcase and the international Convention offer opportunities to be inspired by guest speakers and develop your global understanding.

Business opprtunities - Rotary was founded as a business networking group, and this still plays a part in Rotary today. Making connections with other members can enhance your professional life.

Work with leading organisations - Rotary's reputation has allowed us to establish relationships with leading national and international charities, putting us at the forefront of change.

Helping the local community and charities - Local charities that have benefitted from our support are:

Age UK - West Sussex

Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex

Bentswood Hub Community Centre

British Legion-Poppy Wreaths

Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice

Crawley Open House

Cuckfield Book Festival

Cuckfield Music Festival

Families in Need

Family Support Work

Grove Garden Trust

Grassroots - suicide first aid training

Haywards Heath Foodbank

Haywards Heath Golf Club charities

HeadsOn - Langley Green Hospital Garden Project

Impact Foundation


Kids for Kids

Know Dementia

Lend with Care

Lindfield Arts Festival

Medecin san Frontieres Beirut

Mid Sussex Voluntary Action

Mind in Brighton and Hove

Oathall Community College Farm

Polio Plus

Rotary Foundation

Safe in Sussex

Shelter Box

St Peter & St James Hospice

Hope House School, Haiti


Woodlands Meed School

Join in - Make a difference

We look forward to hearing from you!

Jaime WalldenContact Jaime Wallden about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We are a group of friends who meet on a regular basis in the name of Rotary.


Rotary's own and only charity delivering our vision of a better world.


Rotary Rocks in The Orchards Shopping Centre, Haywards Heath. BANDS * SINGERS * DANCERS


We have a great track record of supporting projects to help local communities in the developing world. Closer to home, exchange visits with our partner club in Germany give us a valuable insight into the lives of people in another country.


Saturday 9th September Business, Charity and Food Stalls plus Music, Entertainment and the Rotary Club Bouncy Castle..


Rotary GB&I in partnership with Bipolar UK

The Editor of the Gazette - David Wilson (HK)

Welcome to the Gazette which contains the latest Club information, events past and future together with photos and contributions from members. The Gazette is written and edited by David Wilson (HK).


Fund raising Bike Ride with a selection of four routes for riders of all kinds. From fun-loving children to future champions. A ride to remember!


Throwing darts for charity. Teams of six players. No experience necessary. Raising money for local charities.


Make a difference Get involved Give something back


Every year the Rotary Club of Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath makes donations to a number of International, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the year.


The Rotary Club of Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath was formed on the 1st July 2022 when the Rotary Club of Cuckfield & Lindfield and the Rotary Club of Haywards Heath merged.


Our Club is fun and progressive. Whether at our meetings, helping others, fundraising events or just socialising, we have a lot of fun. We are innovative, forward thinking and are proud to be a very progressive Rotary Club.


We provide long-term support to the two local hospices as well as helping smaller local causes when needed. A fun part of this activity is taking part in village events: Spring Fairs, Christmas Festivals, Arts Festival and Bonfire Night.


The Club is very supportive of young people, from primary school to teenage, with a wide range of activities.


Could this be a time to consider joining up with Rotary to help your local community?
