Rotary GB&I in partnership with Bipolar UK


A Local Bipolar UK Peer Support Group opens in Haywards Heath

Interesting article, press the link below

Breaking Down Stigma

Rotary GB&I in partnership with Bipolar UK

Rotary GB&I has launched a new two-year partnership with Bipolar UK.

Together we aim to reach many more people affected by bipolar and help them get information and support they need to live well with the condition. Bipolar is a severe mental condition characterised by high and low moods.

Our partnership with Bipolar UK is now over 1 year old! Please click here to see the video.

Bipolar UK

The birth of the Bipolar E-Club  Bipolar_E-Club.pdf

Our Club took part in the Pole to Pole Challenge on the 18th August when our members, some of whom were on holiday, collectively walked over 200 miles on the South Downs in England, in France and also in Singapore. It was an amazing team effort which is recorded in the following link to a pdf file:


It is not too late to donate to the Pole to Pole Challenge; our team will continue to record kms run, walked or swum until World Bipolar Day on 30th March 2024. Kindly visit the following link to give your support please:

Donate here!

Could it be Bipolar?

There are many symptoms of bipolar that can often be overlooked for something else.

You are invited to view this 3 minute video

could it be bipolar?

Judith PrattContact Judith Pratt about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Editor of the Gazette - David Wilson (HK)

Welcome to the Gazette which contains the latest Club information, events past and future together with photos and contributions from members. The Gazette is written and edited by David Wilson (HK).


Fund raising Bike Ride with a selection of four routes for riders of all kinds. From fun-loving children to future champions. A ride to remember!


Throwing darts for charity. Teams of six players. No experience necessary. Raising money for local charities.


Make a difference Get involved Give something back


Every year the Rotary Club of Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath makes donations to a number of International, UK and local good causes following fundraising activities which take place throughout the year.


The Rotary Club of Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath was formed on the 1st July 2022 when the Rotary Club of Cuckfield & Lindfield and the Rotary Club of Haywards Heath merged.


We are a group of friends who meet on a regular basis in the name of Rotary.


Rotary's own and only charity delivering our vision of a better world.


Rotary Rocks in The Orchards Shopping Centre, Haywards Heath. BANDS * SINGERS * DANCERS in support of ST PETER & ST JAMES HOSPICE.


We have a great track record of supporting projects to help local communities in the developing world. Closer to home, exchange visits with our partner club in Germany give us a valuable insight into the lives of people in another country.


Saturday 9th September Business, Charity and Food Stalls plus Music, Entertainment and the Rotary Club Bouncy Castle..


Rotary GB&I in partnership with Bipolar UK


Our Club is fun and progressive. Whether at our meetings, helping others, fundraising events or just socialising, we have a lot of fun. We are innovative, forward thinking and are proud to be a very progressive Rotary Club.


We provide long-term support to the two local hospices as well as helping smaller local causes when needed. A fun part of this activity is taking part in village events: Spring Fairs, Christmas Festivals, Arts Festival and Bonfire Night.


The Club is very supportive of young people, from primary school to teenage, with a wide range of activities.


Could this be a time to consider joining up with Rotary to help your local community?
