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On Saturday, 1st July the Rotary year began for incoming President, Dale Wilkins, with a very enjoyable concert at Holy Trinity Church, Amblecote, in conjunction with Viva Musica. A very appreciative audience enjoyed the music and fellowship, as well as raising funds for the new president’s causes. The inaugural address followed at the regular weekly meeting on Wednesday, 5th July, during which President Dale thanked Immediate Past President, Vida Worsey, for a hugely successful year, and the chain of office was passed over to celebrate the 102nd year of Rotary service to the town and local communities.
Dale will continue to promote the club’s interest and engagement for local causes, including Black Country Food Bank and Mary Stevens Hospice. There will also be support for an international cause close to Dale’s heart, the Sean Devereux Children’s Fund, which does essential work in Liberia in the name of a former university friend of Dale’s who was assassinated in Somalia in 1993 when working on a food distribution programme for UNICEF.
Having enjoyed the beauty and tranquillity of the local canals during his lockdown walks during the pandemic, Dale also hopes to involve himself and the club in work promoting the upkeep and regeneration of local waterways. In conjunction with his wife, Sally, he will be supporting the White House Cancer Support charity in Dudley, which is close to both their hearts.
One of Dale’s major fundraising efforts will be a 200 mile sponsored walk between thirteen lifeboat stations on the North and West Wales coast. This will begin at Treaddur Bay in Anglesey, and will be spread across the year, but with the final stretch of 80 miles reaching New Quay in time for the RNLI bicentenary in March 2024. The club has a long association with the New Quay station.
As in Vida’s year, member recruitment will be key, as we continue to shape the legacy of longstanding Rotarians who are no longer with us. The website will provide regular updates on club actions, events and priorities.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Following a visit by Club members to the headquarters of Aquabox the Club has made a donation of £300 to support the work of this charity in supplying clean water to those in great need.
moreOn 30th September 2020, Julia Savage President of the Club presented a cheque for £1000 to the Black Country Foodbank.
moreSupport for Black Country Food Bank
moreOver forty donations to charity, totalling £21,000 were made to local, national and international charities in the year 2019-2020 by the Rotary Club of Stourbridge.
moreThe Rotary Club of Stourbridge, supported by a Rotary District grant has provided funding to help feed children in vulnerable families in Zambia through Stourbridge -based charity Umunandi.
moreThe club is now listed as a SheterBox Partner Club
moreThe work of the Rotary Club of Stourbridge in the local Community
morePages for each Committee of Rotary Club of Stourbridge
moreEvents for the Members of the Rotary Club of Stourbridge
moreToday the Rotary Clubs of Stourbridge and Sturbridge are twinned and both clubs regularly visit each other. The pictures show gifts given to the Rotary Club of Stourbridge to celebrate the twinning on various occasions.
moreYou can view or download 2 documents which outline the history of Rotary Club of Stourbridge from 1922-1972 and from 1972-1992
moreAll copies of the Club Bulletin