Note: Normal meeting time or location may vary, so please always check first. Please check before attending the hotel or ring 07710 254781
Note: We meet at the Thatched Inn, Abbotsham but please check with the secretary to confirm the timings if you would like to visit.
Note: 1st Thursday each month then a social on 3rd Thursday
Note: On some fifth thursdays we meet in the evening at the Stoke Lodge Hotel in Stoke Fleming. On the third thursday each month we eat at the George and Dragon but in the evening at 7.15 rather than at lunchtime.
Note: We use online tools to keep in touch throughout the week with video meetings, including occasional guest speakers.
Note: 5th Thursday contact Secretary, no meetings during August
Note: Apologies to the Royal Oak Inn by email at or tel on 01208 872552, notifying by no later than 4.30pm on the Wednesday night before the Thursday meeting.
Note: Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month are at
Note: Currently we are meeting at the Boringdon Park Golf Club on the first Thursday of each month. See our full programme to show where we are meeting on other weeks.
Note: PL27 7DB
'What We Do' Main Pages:
One of our seven Areas of Focus is Supporting the Environment. Clubs are active in finding ways we can do this in partnership with other clubs and organisations.
moreCheck out the sub pages to find out how we support education, one of our 7 area's of focus. We get involved with many youth activities here in the UK as well as supporting over seas.
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