"Jarge" The Outside Porter at Shanklin Railway Station

"Jarge" The Outside Porter



Glyn Roberts worked for many years in overseas development, especially in Africa, and founded the volunteer organisation Tools for Self Reliance, but he had always wanted to carve in stone. When he retired, he got together hammer and chisels and started chipping away, first on a Millennium Stone with a message for Island folk in the year 3,000 A.D. Twelve years later, the Isle of Wight has quite a number of his sculptures in public places, all based upon local stories. 

History of Jarge the Porter
Until the 1950s most holidaymakers arrived in Shanklin by train. As they came out of the station they might well have encountered a man on the forecourt, with a two-wheeled trolley, who hoped to earn a shilling or two by carrying their bags. This was George Hawksworth, known as "Jarge", and the brass badge fixed to his distinctive brown trilby hat, showed him to be licensed by the Railway Company as an Outside Porter.

He always wore a suit, knee length gaiters and polished boots. His hat sat low on his forehead, perhaps weighed down by the heavy brass badge.

          "Carry your bag, Sir"
Spotting a likely customer, he would call out, "Carry your bag, Sir", or even the unorthodox, "Carry your bag, Sir; Got hobnail boots, Sir; But can't I run, direckly minnet, Sir" (!) and if visitors went along with this, Jarge would load his red and green trolley and lead them to their hotel or guest house.

On Saturdays, though, when passengers emerged from a train, "Jarge" often faced competition from local lads whose homemade wooden handcarts trundled along on old pram wheels. They would use tricks to distract him, winding him up unmercifully, and pirate customers behind his back. Poor Jarge could seldom match these quick-witted youngsters and he was often reduced to cursing and threatening retribution.

Longest-serving Outside Porter 
In many ways Jarge was a throwback to the former golden era of rail travel. When he finally handed in his badge, a national newspaper reported him as the longest-serving Outside Porter in the entire country.

The Plaque and Stone Carving was commissioned in 2012 by Shanklin Rotary Club (some of whose members were once among the lads who pirated Jarge's customers) on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Plaque unveiling by one of the lads who would pirate Jarge's work, Steve Knight 2013 - 14 Shanklin Town mayor and his Wife Esther.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Shelter Box used in disaster areas providing shelter and emergency supplies for a family in need

Club President Steve Knight receives  cheque for £1,000

Members of Shanklin Rotary Club attend presentation

A Fantastic £32,000 total is acheived

The ever popular event returned with great success generating £32,000 for good causes.


'Lovely' Ron presents cheque to Food Bank

The Teams Celebrate

Shanklin Rotary and Inner Wheel battle it out for Skittles supremacy

Club President, Steve Knight presents the cheque for £750

A cheque for £750 will fund activities for Young Carers


Information on Shanklin Rotary Club's International Involvement

Kevin Newton is presented with a cheque for £2,000 by Club President Steve Knight

Kevin Newton the founder of 'The Bus Shelter' presented his project - to end rough sleeping on the IOW, to Shanklin Rotary Club members.


A Tale of a Flying Rotarian with a Maritime History


Shanklin Rotary Club makes a donation to help Shanklin FC

Club President Steve Knight presents 'BIG' cheque to Robert & Sheila Young

Shanklin Rotary Club Supports IOW Pony Driving for the Disabled

Shanklin Rotary Club President, Steve Knight, presents the cheque for £4,000 to Lifeboat crew members.

Members of Shanklin Rotary Club visit Lifeboat Station for presentation of £4,000 Cheque


Details of What Rotary Means to more than 1.2 Million People

Shanklin Rotary Club wins District Golf Trophy

Shanklin Rotary Team wins District Knockout Golf Final


A bumper crowd enjoys Mitch Jones 'Life as a Yeoman Warder'

New River Boat to be purchased

Shanklin Rotary thanks S&SRC for their contribution to Annual Sale success


Rotary Polio Plus Campaign

Club President Steve Knight presents a donation to David Tamcken

Shanklin Rotary Club supports David Tamcken's efforts in Ghana

Club President, Steve Knight, presents a cheque for £4,000 to Anne Taylor

Shanklin Rotary Club donates £4,000 to fund raising campaign


Thanks to the generosity of all who donated goods and attended the sale, a fantastic £42,000 was collected for all our good causes. Many Thanks to you all!

Shanklin Rotary Members at Arreton Barns checkpoint

Members of Shanklin Rotary Club help to marshal this popular event

President Steve Knight presents Mike McConville with a cheque in support of the Farmers Overseas Action Group

Mike McConville from Stourbridge Rotary Club gives a presentation on the Farmers Overseas Action Group


Over 15's require kit to continue with club


Shanklin Rotary Club donate £2,000 to fund essential travel needs.


What Shanklin Rotary does in the community
