Joining Epsom Rotary

We have evening and lunchtime meetings to cater for all our members differing requirements. At present we are also using Zoom to extend our meetings to those living a distance away from Epsom or who are unable to attend in person.

If you care about your local community and have a small amount of time to join a group of like minded people, please get in touch.  We have a range of different support activities organised and plan to have a great deal of fun carrying them out.  We run events, support local charities physically and fund raise so that we can donate money to our chosen charities.  We also support international initiatives and devote one third of our activities to international needs.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

This Year Carol Caiger and Jim Munns are co-presidents


Some old pages kept for nostalgic reasons!!


Here is a pdf version of a booklet written by Richard Harris


Working to alleviate fuel poverty


Please join our volunteer supporters working on a variety of useful local projects


These are the businesses who have contributed either by money or by services to Epsom Rotary's charity work. Many thanks to them!!


Here is a list of current projects which Rotarian's may like to get involved in throughout Area 8


This page contains our memories and thoughts of club members and friends who are no longer with us


We have evening and lunchtime meetings to cater for all our members differing requirements. At present we are also using Zoom to extend our meetings to those living a distance away from Epsom or who are unable to attend in person.


Some of the Projects and Events


A compendium of the "Thank You" letters we have received following our support.


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