Annual Award Presentation Evening

This year’s awards to local charities from Staines Rotary was held recently at the Thames Side Brewery.

President Nick Charalambous welcomed the award recipients and guests to the meeting, observing that working with them on good causes encouraged and enhanced the club’s objective of serving at the heart of the community.

He explained that funding for the awards had again come from the traditional Christmas Santa Fun Run and Christmas Float Street Collections, in which several of the charities had helped.

Nick thanked the recipients who had helped with the street collections, noting that many of them were youngsters, for their enthusiasm and willingness to accompany the float. Some of them had turned out twice or more!

Award were presented by the Mayor of Spelthorne, Cllr Susan Doran. to representatives of the charities: Home-Start Spelthorne, Staines Shopmobility, 6th Staines Scouts, spelthorne_youth, The Phoenix Project and Transform Housing & Support . In thanking the club for their awards, the representatives gave the meeting a summary of their charity’s membership, activities and plans.

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Rotary Scholar Nyathioma Njehu graduated at the Royal Holloway, University of London last December with the award of her MSc with merit in Clinical Psychology.


This year’s awards to local charities from Staines Rotary was held recently at the Thames Side Brewery.


Last year, the Rotary Club of Staines joined with the Rotary Club of Nairobi, Rotary District 1145 and the Rotary Foundation to fully sponsor a Kenyan national to attend a one year post graduate course in clinical psychology at Royal Holloway University.


Staines Rotary has been playing its part in a global campaign to eradicate polio, raising funds over several years to help achieve it.


Despite Covid restrictions, Staines Rotary were able to take Santa on his usual Christmas rounds through to streets, assisted by groups of volunteer collectors raising funds for local charities.


2020 marked the 10th year that Staines Rotary had presented every child in Year 5 at all the Primary Schools in Staines and Laleham with an Usborne Illustrated Dictionary, which help them with their school work.


Staines Rotary were determined not to let Covid steal the community’s 2020 Christmas.

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Rotary members were given an overview of what a Rotary Youth Exchange Student is.

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We were delighted to welcome Tim Stokes as our guest speaker to a recent dinner evening.
