Club raises over £20,000 for DEC Ukrainian Appeal

An astonishing amount raised in just 4 weeks!

Is there anything more energising to a regular Rotarian than the opportunity to don a club tabard and wield a charity collecting bucket in the event of immediate action required for a national or international emergency?

When everyone is wanting to ‘do something’ to help out, yet individually feels helpless from afar at the enormity of it, the collective efforts at club level building on Rotary profile can rapidly produce very worthy results.  The task becomes even more rewarding when that willingness is met with universal approval and sympathy from the donating public.

Ambleside Kirkstone Rotary were quick to react to the Ukraine Emergency and chose DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal the moment it was backed by UK Government for the reassurance that endorsement gave to the public in those early moments about where the money was to be sent.

Nationally known retailer Lakeland, a firm favourite visit for all Lake District holidaymakers, permitted a manned collecting station for 4 hours per day for 2 weeks within their store.  Equally famous Ambleside Hayes Garden World accepted static unmanned collecting buckets by their tills for over 4 weeks.  A street collection permit was hastily commissioned and enjoyed on a sunny Saturday.  Privately granted access to collect in pubs and eateries in Windermere, Bowness & Ambleside was extremely fruitful and money cascaded into collecting buckets with great willingness.  Full use was made of portable Zettle card machines for electronic card & phone payments in addition to cash. 

In four weeks over £20,000 has been raised and continues to grow, with HMRC Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme refunds yet due on a substantial amount of it.

At all stages conversations have been about horrific this war is in C21st Europe and how unimaginably horrendous it must be for people ripped instantly from a safe and peaceful world and plummeted into such unspeakable turmoil.  Our hearts and admiration go out to everyone involved for their continuing sacrifice, stoicism and bravery, with fervent hopes for peace to be possible at the soonest possible moment.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This years Silver Sunday get together and Afternoon Tea

Pink5K cheque presentation to Richard Cogger, Area Fundraiser for St Mary’s Hospice. We were delighted that representatives Daryl Hardy & Chris Moore of our main sponsor The Inn Collection were also present.

Over £6000 donated to good causes!

Ambleside Primary School's DDay Commemorative Display

DDay Commemorations, Langdale Gala and AK starts its 22nd Year!


A sunny day, daffodils in bloom and AK members have a 'Spring' in their step with lots to look forward to!

2024 Winners Freshers 
The BEST cafe in town!

Another successful quiz raising £640 for Charity!

Ambleside Kirkstone Super Stars!

Alec & Margaret celebrate volunteering at their 100th Parkrun


From Titanic to Orrest Head


Harry stars in the Finals!


AK member Alec Burford clocked up his 100th parkrun Marshalling duty today! And he's 90 years young!


Wet weather never deters AK and its supporters!


A new President, AG Linda and a Dame Grand and that's just in July!


Over £285,000 raised to date and more added to the coffers at the Big Easy Quiz!

Silver Sunday

Another very enjoyable Silver Sunday Afternoon Tea for elder folk in our community who would otherwise be alone on a Sunday Afternoon


Christmas Get Togethers


Another happy Pink5k Walk & Afternoon Tea this year in aid of Bowel Cancer UK


Environmental Awareness


An astonishing amount raised in just 4 weeks!


Good things happen when you have fun £645 raised for P.I.E.S

A glorious evening for learning more about Galava Roman Fort

Enjoying fun & friendship in glorious weather


A great afternoon walk followed by delicious scones and a cuppa all in aid of St Mary's Hospice


Martin Clark takes a very early dip to raise more donations for our Pink 5K Appeal for St Mary's Hospice!

Presentation to Becky Brown Area Fundraiser for St Mary's Hospice

From Pink 5K celebration to Crocus planting & Poppy Remembrance


More Zoom, a 1374 Mile Walk & a virtual Pint at Lands End!


Let's go for a walk someone said!


An Unforgettable Month


Poppies to parkruns a busy month with lots of community involvement


Latest update & information from this local Charity


Happy activities as the club meets in person again!


A Month of Storms, Fraud, Bridge and Caring for others


Over £2400 raised for Alzheimer's Research UK at this years DUCK RACE!


An amazing afternoon of Pink Fun raising vital funds for Target Ovarian Cancer


Community Visits and Events


69 large poppies, inscribed with the name of a local man who gave his life in WW1 have been erected on lamp -posts around the town.
