Spring is on its way and club members have a Spring in their step!
We were delighted to welcome DG Pam to our meeting and to hear about the exciting plans for the District Rotafest24. We’ll be there! Pam in turn enjoyed our Rotary ethos recognising that fun fosters positive outcomes both financially and socially and wanted to know much more about our annual charitable quiz, particularly the coveted Smarty Pants Trophy!
Additionally, we were proud to introduce her to PIES (Partners in Education Swaziland), a charity we have supported for a number of years through our retired Treasurer and now Honorary Member Alan Katz. www.piescharity.org.uk The charity provides a Meal a Day and basic education for the most vulnerable children in Eswatini (Swaziland)
President Colin recently attended the inauguration of the new ramp at the Blackwell Sailing for the Disabled club house at Bowness. AK, along with other local Rotary clubs, were involved in raising funds to build and erect better access for those using the facilities.
Looking ahead, we're excited to host our annual Silver Sunday Afternoon Tea on March 3rd, providing a sociable afternoon for those in the community living alone. It’s always a most enjoyable afternoon and greatly appreciated by the participants.
Our upcoming meetings include open sessions welcoming local residents. DC Claire Keys of Cumbria Constabulary will present "Stop! Think Fraud" at the Wesley Room Parish Centre on March 26th. And mark your calendars for the return of the Big Easy Quiz on April 12th, where the Smarty Pants Trophy awaits the ultimate victor!
'What We Do' Main Pages:
AK member Alec Burford clocked up his 100th parkrun Marshalling duty today! And he's 90 years young!
moreA sunny day, daffodils in bloom and AK members have a 'Spring' in their step with lots to look forward to!
moreAnother very enjoyable Silver Sunday Afternoon Tea for elder folk in our community who would otherwise be alone on a Sunday Afternoon
moreA great afternoon walk followed by delicious scones and a cuppa all in aid of St Mary's Hospice
moreMartin Clark takes a very early dip to raise more donations for our Pink 5K Appeal for St Mary's Hospice!
more69 large poppies, inscribed with the name of a local man who gave his life in WW1 have been erected on lamp -posts around the town.