Borderland Mountain Bike Challenge

Sat, May 7th 2022 at 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

Unique route below the Berwyn Mountains provides a challenge for any mountain style bike.


Borderland Mountain Bike Challenge a great success

The revamped Challenge, which was cancelled for the last two years, was a held last Saturday and seemed to be a resounding success, judging by the rider’s comments on social media after the event. 

Jonathan Jones, who has organised the event for many years said, “It all seemed to go pretty much to plan and we were blessed with perfect weather. Of course, lots of planning and work go into an event like this and we couldn’t do it without the help of Borderland Rotary members, their partners and friends and without the support of the local farmers and landowners we would have no course to ride. Our old and new sponsors, Dairi-Pk Ltd, Mule and AICO have also shared the load but most of all, I must thank all the riders for being so generous with their donations and their time”. 

The event started dead on 10am on Saturday morning in brilliant sunshine with riders rearing to go. Some of the more experienced riders dashed off into the hills and completed the 22 mile course in about an hour-and-a-half while others took their time and enjoyed the scenery and just being amongst like-minded folks in the beautiful foothills of the Berwyn Mountains. Jonathan continued, “It’s not so much a success for us as it is for the charities and groups we donate to, with the entrant figures up on the last time, we can give even more to support to the fantastic work of Midland Air Ambulance as well as local groups. All in all, a great day – thanks to all involved”.

Sporting the Challenge T-shirt

Could you manage to complete the challenge ?  How big a donation could you raise if you did ?

22 miles was the big challenge but there was also the 6 mile Family course.  E-bikes included.

Ladies take up the Challenge

Earn your T-shirt (£15 includes £5 to the Challenge charities)

Click to see more on this site about  Borderland Mountainbike Challenge

Launching Challenge to Mountain Bikers

March 25th - outside AICO premises, Oswestry

Jonathan JonesContact Jonathan Jones about this page:

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