Oswestry Christmas Parade 2022

Sat, Dec 3rd 2022 at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

The Parade takes over the middle of the town bringing fun and happiness to thousands.

Best Parade Band for miles

Borderland Rotary are proud to organise this happy festivity that so many people enjoy. Immediately following "Oswestry Live" it is a great time to be in the town.

Please note: Roads in the centre of Oswestry will be closed on Saturday 3rd December from 10.45 till 12.30. The parade starts and finishes at the traffic lights by St Oswald’s Church and travels along Church Street, Willow Street, Cross Street, Castle Street, Beatrice Street and Oswald Road. All linking streets will obviously be closed, so get into town early and enjoy the show.

The Parade vehicle Floats assemble at Oswestry Cattle Market and leave at 10.40 am to join the Parade.

Anyone wanting to be included in the Parade, either walking or with a vehicle float, will be welcome and should contact Jonathan Jones ( email to  major-events@borderlandrotary.org).

Paul Shuttleworth of BBC Radio Shropshire made a video on the day which has been placed on Facebook  -  https://www.facebook.com/701496997/videos/5997893476897423/  

Oswestry Christmas Parade Report

The weather was kind, the thronging crowds were generous and the parade became a carnival of joy with a smile on every face.
Oswestry Christmas parade was bigger and better than ever on Saturday, with 57 wonderfully decorated floats, many vintage vehicles – and all led by a magnificent traction engine.
The streets were packed long before the Porth-y-Waen Brass Band marched by with their stirring Christmas music and a general warm party atmosphere welcomed the parade as music blared and the children on the floats danced and waved and threw sweets to the wide eyed audience.
Jonathan Jones, who organises the parade for Borderland Rotary said, “I’m thrilled that the parade has brought so much joy to the town. Yes, we were raising money to support the parade and local good causes but the real aim is to bring the Oswestry community together with something positive, Christmassy and fun. I hope this will stick in the minds of some of the children for ever.”
BBC Radio Shropshire’s Paul Shuttleworth broadcast his show from Red Square and did a live video feed on Facebook as the parade went past and brought the parade to life for all those on social media.

The winners of the best floats were:

1. Best Commercial Float

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company

2. Best Non-Commercial Float

Derwen College (float)

3. Best Youth Float

Oswestry Scout Group

4. Best Children’s Float

Oswestry Willow Beavers

5. Best Walking Group

Border Counties School of Gymnastics

The Mayor, Cllr Jay Moore judged and presented the awards with Borderland Rotary President, Chris Bryan-Smith.

Chloe Elizabeth Dance Company - Winners presentation

Derwen College - Winners presentation

Oswestry Scouts - Winners presentation

Oswestry Willow Beavers - Winners presentation

Border Counties School of Gymnastics - Winners presentation

Safety Marshalls organised by Borderland Rotary

Jonathan JonesContact Jonathan Jones about this page:

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