Macmillan Coffee Morning

Fri, Sep 29th 2023 at 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Coffee and muffins in Bailey Street, collecting for Macmillan nurses.

Borderland Rotary Macmillan Coffee Morning, Oswestry

Borderland Rotary’s Macmillan Coffee Morning a great success

Borderland Rotary held their annual MacMillan Coffee Morning in Bailey Street, Oswestry last Friday and were thrilled that it was such a success but with 270 delicious muffins, supplied by Sean Evans from the Sweeney Hall Hotel and coffee from Lynda and her Mean Bean Coffee Machine Van, what did they expect.

Harry Richardson, who organised the event on behalf of Borderland said, “There are a lot of people having a really tough time out there at the moment – what with the financial crisis that’s hitting everyone – so I’ve been so pleased that local residents have spared the time and the money to join us for coffee and support this great cause. I’ve had my own brush with cancer, so I really appreciate it in a very personal way”.

This year the total raised was just over £700 which is a little up on last year’s figure.

Harry continued, “It’s great that we have the support from Sean at the Sweeney and Linda from Mean Bean as well as from Oly Rose, the town mayor and many members of Borderland Rotary Club – thank you all!”.

Harry RichardsonContact Harry Richardson about this page:

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