Application Form for Funding

We consider applications from individuals or groups, particularly in the Cockermouth area, subject to certain criteria. Contact our for an application form to complete and return by email.




Please complete each section.  The more information you can provide the easier it is for us to decide if an award can be made.    If you need more space please add separate sheets of paper.  If you have other materials please include it.


Name of Group/Organisation.


Name of Applicant (If under 18 or a vulnerable adult, please also give contact name of Parent or Guardian as well)




Contact Details:   (If  under 18  or a vulnerable adult, please give contact details of Parent or Guardian only )







Phone                                     Landline                                       Mobile


Email address



Please describe the project for which you seek our support.










Where and when will the project take place?









Who will benefit from the project and how will they benefit? (including age and geographical location of beneficiaries )  



Total cost of the Project.



Cost breakdown for the project.









How do you intend to raise the additional funds needed for the project?






How much have you raised to date and from whom?







Have you approached any other Rotary Club and what was the outcome?




How much are you seeking from Cockermouth Rotary?




What specifically is any award to be spent on?





Is there any deadline by which you would need our decision?






Is there anything you wish to add not covered by the previous questions?







Are you prepared to give a presentation to Cockermouth Rotary about the project if required? 




Signed                                                          Date

Your application will be considered at the next meeting of the Club Council who meet on first Monday of every month (August-May)

You can request an application form from our Secretary, Wendy Sanders by emailing Rotary Club of Cockermouth.


If we consider that your application has merit but we need further information we may contact you to provide this, either by email, phone or exceptionally in a face to face discussion.

We are allocating charitable funds and have a duty of care and need to confirm that any grant made has been spent for the purpose provided as laid out by the Charity Commission and therefore ask that on completion of your project you confirm that any funds awarded were used for the original specified purpose and if not, please give details.

Where appropriate we ask that The Rotary Club of Cockermouth may publicise details of the award.  This is to demonstrate that charitable funds are being used well, encourage other applicants to apply for assistance and encourage the public to make further donations.

The information you supply will be used by the Rotary Club of Cockermouth for administrative purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1988. We shall not supply it to third parties


The Rotary Club of Cockermouth raises money for its trust fund which is a registered charity. Among others, awards are made to local charities and local good causes. No one in the Rotary club receives payment for this activity.

Local good causes include, but are not restricted to charities, local organisations and local community groups.

The types of activities that the club is likely to support include;

  • Individual projects or specific one-off project costs which need funding. We cannot commit to supporting continuing activities or activities which require constant maintenance;



  • Activities which are of benefit to the Cockermouth community (all or in part )


  • Activities which are character-forming and if carried out abroad are of benefit to the host nation;


  • Of very specific benefit to an individual where other funding sources are inadequate.


      We are unlikely to support:


  • Ongoing projects which have a constant need for funding;



  • Contributions to a general fund which although of overall benefit are used for a wide variety of non-specific projects or ongoing maintenance;


  • National organisations where there is little or no local involvement.

  • Retrospective applications

  • Individual applications not supported by an organization or group.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Blustery conditions on the course

Our annual Golf Tournament at Cockermouth Golf Club


The Club devised a mystery treasure hunt around Cockermouth...

Picture of the finished Harris Park gates....also a picture of the gates sandblasted back to bare metal before painting.

President Andy Carter and fellow club members in 2024 completed repainting of the ornate gateway into the town's Harris Park.


Rotary plant and care for this area in our town to offer a warm welcome to all who come here.

Some of the Calendar design and creation team.

It's back! The Club has once again produced the glossy calendar with fresh pictures of our gem Georgian town for each month of the year.

Raised Herb/Vegetable beds ready for cutting.

We have planted various Herb Beds around the town.

A great competition and some worthy winners

Our annual inter-school football competition


Working together to bring help

The key organisers behind the conference: Rotarian Val Ayre, President Joe Fagan, Sarah Place from Victim Support and Rotarian Andy Carter.

The Club organised the first of what are hoped to be annual conferences on important topics in the community.

The Rotary Host of Daffodils ...plans being made for 2025

2022 the Rotary Host of Daffodils


Fine weather again for the tournament at Tarn Close.


We normally meet on the first Monday of the month to consider any grant applications. Please ensure you read page 3 to check if you may be eligible for a grant.

Presidential Handover 2020

Handover with a Difference

Party-goers revel in the glitzy evening at the Club's Charity Masquarade Ball.

In February 2017 Rotarian Sally Scales and her team organised a charity evening that attracted over 70 guests.

Sunny smiles from the gandstand for the 80th celebration in 2019

Exactly 80 years ago the Rotary Club of Cockermouth started on its journey to give Service above Self .

President Andy Carter presents the initial donation to  Dr Jonathan Nicoll and Sister Dawn Sanderson.

The Club made its initial donation of £3,000 towards furnishings and essentials for the Henderson Suite at West Cumberland Hospital. President Andy Carter here presents the initial donation to Dr Jonathan Nicoll and Sister Dawn Sanderson.

Showground in part of the successful Rotary Touch a Truck family shows...

Our family gala show returns in 2024 on Sunday, September 15th. Find out more at Touch a Truck Show

The competitors in the 2017 Rotary Young Musicians contest...Pic Trevor Earthy

High standard of entries this year for the Young Musician contest...Pic Trevor Earthy

The 2017 Golfing Tournament

Good weather and fun on the faiway for the Club's golfers...

Back row:- Larry Branyan, District Governor; Joe Fagan, President Elect; Alan Tyson, Cockermouth Mayor. Front row:- Brian Mitchelhill, President; Paul Hancock, Cheshire Chief Fire Officer; Philip Straughton, President Nominee

Over 100 attendees helped the Club celebrate its 78th Charter in 2017

The 2022 Cockermouth Calendar

To help boost the Georgian town of Cockermouth the Rotary Club has once again produced a glossy calendar for the town for 2022

President Andy Carter greets DG Malcolm in August 2016

President of the Rotary Club of Cockermouth, Andy Carter welcomed Malcolm Baldwin, District Governor 2016-17.

President Andy meets Holly the bear's new owners.

Holly the bear helped raise around £200 for the Henderson Suite at West Cumberland Hospital.

Some of the team making it all happen for the Christmas party

Over 60 senior citizens enjoyed the January 2017 event. In the spirit of partnership working the Christmas Party for senior citizens in Cockermouth was this year invaded by the town's University of the Third Age Latin Dancing troupe!

Chef of the Year winner Matthew Morris and Club President

Tasty meals created by pupils of Cockermouth School for this year's Rotary Young Chef contest.

Our bulb planting in Cockermouth

Crocus planting around Cockermouth to mark Rotary work in helping eradicate polio across the world.

Rotary Club members prepare to guide traffic for a successful Carnival 2017

Twenty plus Club members ensured the carnival was a success by directing traffic and stewarding the event.

Happy Dragon Boaters 2017

Cockermouth Rotary Club fielded a team for the 2017 Dragon Boat Race on Derwentwater, Keswick. And they plan to race again in 2018..

Occasionally coming with a new joke book......Billy Bowman esquire

A slap up Christmas meal followed by entertainment by Billy Bowman was enjoyed by 65 senior citizens.


We consider applications from individuals or groups, particularly in the Cockermouth area, subject to certain criteria. Contact our for an application form to complete and return by email.

President Brian Mitchelhill&Rotarian Bob Harwood at the presentation of the ruckdacks to Nick Landells from the Cumbria Alliance.

Presentation of Rucksacks to the Cumbria Alliance who organise D of E expeditions.

Pauline and Douggie Hardie and Club President Brian Mitchelhill. Picture by Trevor Earthy

The work of Cumbrian charity Dewode in Uganda was featured at an April 2018 meeting.

Les Miserables Charity Film Nght

Thanks to organising by Alastair Sharp and the team a DEWODE charity film night was held on the 8th June 2018

Club Presidential handover 2016

Outgoing President Jimmy Wood gets a rousing vote of Thanks as he hands over to the Club's new President Andy Carter.

President Joe Fagan and some of the senior citizens enjoying the annual Christmas event.

In 2019 again some 70 enjoyed a very successful Senior Citizens Party with Rotarians providing a Christmas feast for many who might otherwise have missed out on festive fare.

Some of the children who enjoyed Kids Out 2014

The 2014 Kids Out saw 31 children from our area enjoy a day out...

Teams taking part in the busy 2014 Primary School Technology Tournament

The Club organised highly successful Young Technology Tournaments this year 2014.

Left to right: President Nominee Dave Siddall, Chairman of James Walkers Mr Peter Needham, President Joe Fagan, District 1190 Govenor Mary Bradley, the Mayor of Cockermouth David Malloy and President Elect Phillip Straughton. (Picture :Trevor Earthy)

President Joe Fagan welcomed 86 guests to a successful Charter Celebration in 2018

President Phillip and Rotarian Val among those helping ensure Taste was a big success..

Over 25,000 enjoy Taste Cumbria weekends and Club members were out in force in 2019 selling the Rotary calendar for cockermouth and helping with the park and ride service


We support our local League of Friends group with one of our members on their committee.
