The Beetle takes shape

A service, a party frock and a christening...

A couple of weeks fly by in no time (especially when you’re away for one of them!), but at last things are progressing.  First of all the Beetle (oh – she has a name now – Penelope as in Pitstop) went in to Primrose Link garage in Clitheroe to make sure everything is roadworthy.  There was a problem with one of the brake warning lights coming on, but after a new rear calliper and ABS sensor were fitted, plus a couple of new tyres, everything seems to be in order.  Grateful thanks to fellow Rotarian Ian Harris of Primrose Link for providing free labour and parts at cost.

Then it was on to James Alpe Ltd of Clitheroe for Penelope to have her ‘party frock’ fitted – in other words a purple bonnet and boot, and a few logos for Rotary and the End Polio Now campaign.  We also trimmed up the rear window with space for over 50 individual sponsors to sign their name on the car in exchange for a £10 donation, all of which will go to the cause and be TRIPLED by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to make £30!

We’ve also got sponsorship from Honeywell Estate Agents and PSG but over the next few weeks we’ll be increasing our efforts to get as much sponsorship as possible. So if you’re reading this and either have your own business, or know someone looking for good value publicity (we’ll be on local radio, in the press and on social media) then please get in touch with either Bill or Malcolm to discuss how you can add to the decoration on the car and benefit your business too!

More Grand Tour soon...!

By the way, the other evening we took the car to a District Rotary Meeting, and met up with Mr Dumpy – a dumper truck converted by Roger Franks of Upper Eden Valley Rotary, the same man who built the working Iron Lung last year.  For a moment we thought Mr Dumpy might eat Penelope, but she survived unscathed!

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Ribblesdale High School pupils see their fruit of their labour.


Sunday August 16th saw the team working behind the Station.


The joint RC's Clitheroe and Ribblesdale Young Musician Competition was held at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School December 16th. 2017


We joined staff at the Rose & Crown to learn how to save lives...


Pounds for Polio


President's Night 2017


Return to Waddow Hall by Rotarians and friends to plant another 200 trees........


Lots of ideas from the Ideas Meeting


Club Service

President David and his guests.

Clitheroe Rotary Celebrates its 91st Birthday!

Bill Honeywell, Bill Birkett and Val Honeywell celebrating reaching the 542nd summit in 2016

Bill reached his 542nd and final summit Saturday, 29 October.


Charter Night Dinner, Mitton Hall Oct. 24th.


President Frank presents Paul Harris Fellowships to Rotarians Howard Blackburn and David Openshaw


Clitheroe and Ribblesdale Rotary, working together with Clitheroe Roundtable and Santa!


Care in the Community recognised by Clitheroe Rotary




New Generations


President David awards Paul Harris Fellowships to two worthy members.


RC Clitheroe recognises Miles as its 1st District Governor.


A bumper turnout in the sunshine!


On a dry Friday and a very wet Saturday, we helped out at The Royal Lancashire Show and Last Night of the Proms on Clitheroe Castle. LNOP pictures courtesy of Eleanor Chew.


Over 260 riders took part on June 9th. A full report with details of the charity funds raised will follow in due course. Thank you to all who took part or volunteered to make the day such a success, despite the weather!


Rotarians out in force on the streets of Clitheroe!


Sandy Morrison broadcasts live on Ribble106.7fm


We helped out at the Food Festival, supported our Immediate Past President and now Clitheroe Town Mayor Jenni at Last Night of the Proms and managed to fit in a little fun while gliding, with the help of Hon Sec Tony Perry!


Results of the Santa 2023 Sleighride.


Community Service

Santa meeting Ribble Valley children

Lots of activities, raising funds and having fun!


Sixteen Rotarians and friends are heling out at Clitheroe Health Centre each day.....

The Beetle in Purple

A service, a party frock and a christening...


March 2023 has seen Clitheroe Rotarians and friends jump into action for spring!


Community gardening project expands...


This is being used by an adminstrator for training purposes - please ignore


A Paul Harris Fellowship and a Community Service Award made just in time for Christmas!


And the public supported us...

RFE Australian team with their hosts at Mytton Fold Hotel, Langho.

The Ozzies invaid Ribble Valley!


Community litter pick to support the Queen's clean up your town initiative
