Congratulations to Immediate-Past District Governor Miles who was rendedered temporarily speechless when presented with his Sapphire Jewel at this week's meeting by President Jenni, in recognition of his hard work as District Governor in
2019 - 2021. His year started with lots of visits to clubs and events across the district - and ended with a socially distanced handover to incoming DG Welma Robinson! Miles was the first member of
to be District Governor and thanked the club for all their support and encouragement in his role - and thank you too to Miles's wife Lynda for her help in supporting him and helping the President to surprise Miles with this award!
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Over 260 riders took part on June 9th. A full report with details of the charity funds raised will follow in due course. Thank you to all who took part or volunteered to make the day such a success, despite the weather!
moreThe joint RC's Clitheroe and Ribblesdale Young Musician Competition was held at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School December 16th. 2017
moreOn a dry Friday and a very wet Saturday, we helped out at The Royal Lancashire Show and Last Night of the Proms on Clitheroe Castle. LNOP pictures courtesy of Eleanor Chew.
moreWe helped out at the Food Festival, supported our Immediate Past President and now Clitheroe Town Mayor Jenni at Last Night of the Proms and managed to fit in a little fun while gliding, with the help of Hon Sec Tony Perry!
moreClub Service
morePresident Frank presents Paul Harris Fellowships to Rotarians Howard Blackburn and David Openshaw
moreNew Generations
moreCommunity Service