Susan Robertson: Cancer Research UK

Thu, Nov 22nd 2018 at 12:30 pm - 2:15 pm

The world's leading cancer research charity.

Sue Robertson gave us an illustrated update on the work of Cancer Research UK. Sue is the Community Legacy Manager.

Sue told us that, although 1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer, survival rates have increased. In the 1970s the survival rate was 1 in 4, currently it is 2 in 4 and Cancer Research UK is aiming for 3 in 4 by working on prevention, early diagnosis, new treatment and optimisation of treatments.

Four in ten cases of cancer can be prevented by lifestyle changes involving diet, smoking and sun protection.

A lady standing by the side of a screen and addressing a groupEarly detection of cancers is important and Cancer Research UK fund healthcare facilitators to educate GPs, a cancer nurse helpline and interactive website advice. They are looking at ways to design better and kinder treatments. Sue said that 49% of cancer patients will have surgery and 40% will have radiotherapy.

Cancer Research UK fund a range of drug trials and have been responsible for pioneering 8 out of 10 new cancer drugs. Medicines may be tailored to the individual and the charity is developing new scanning machines which show how well the treatment is working.

A third of the funding comes from legacies. Cancer Research UK have a free will-writing service for anyone over 55 and without any obligation to leave them a bequest. Sue showed us some examples of objects which haft been left to the charity and invited us to guess how much they were worth. They were a stuffed parrot, £100; a US golden eagle coin, £1,100; a selection of 1950s football programmes, £19,500; and a painting by Edward Lear, £80,000.

Sue’s message was one of positivity and hope for the future and that “together we can beat cancer”.

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